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Tunas Sawa Erma Holds Social Service in Ujungkia Village

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Photo: Representatives of PT TSE-B management with the community of Ujungkia Village, Boven Digoel, Papua during the social service and monthly communication event, Saturday (29/5)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma-B (TSE-B), a part of TSE Group held a health social service in Ujungkia Village, Boven Digoel, Papua, Saturday (29/5). This activity was held simultaneously with a monthly communication event that is often carried out by the company with the community living in the operational area.

This event is part of PT TSE-B’s Corporate Social Contribution (SCS) program which was held as a form of the company’s concern and contribution to the welfare of the community as well as to strengthen the relationship between the two parties.

The health social service event itself served as an early health check-up for people. In the event, the company also provided socialization on how to maintain health, especially in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic.

One of the doctors at the TSE-B clinic, Dr. Inggrit asked the public to be open with the company during the health check. “Does anyone have a fever or feel dizzy? Let us examine it first,” she said.

In the social service event, a lot of people joined a consultation with the doctor regarding the health complaints they were experiencing. Several people were encouraged to come to the company clinic so they can receive further treatment.

The Representative of TSE-B Management, Sunman Kim mentioned that through the monthly communication event, people can exchange ideas and have a discussion with the company. “I hope this event can be beneficial,” he said.

Monthly communication event in Ujungkia Village, Boven Digoel, Papua

Management of TSE-B handing out masks to the community of Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua

Food provision for the community of Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua

Like other monthly communication events, TSE-B also provided education on mustard green cultivation and the making of chips from banana stems through videos. The company hopes that this event can increase people’s enthusiasm in utilizing natural resources creatively in order to improve their welfare.

The communication and social service event was closed with a joint meal between the company management and the community of Ujungkia Village.

The Head of Misa Clan in Ujungkia Village, Ambrosius Yasi expressed his appreciation to the company for organizing an event with the community. “The information on how to grow vegetables was much needed. I’m thankful to the company for creating this event,” he said. [Christian/PPA Humas S&C]

Published On: June 1, 2021
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Foto: Kebersamaan perwakilan manajemen PTTSE-Bdengan masyarakat Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua, saat kegiatan bakti sosial dan komunikasi bulanan, Sabtu (29/5)

BOVEN DIGOEL –PT Tunas Sawa Erma -B(TSE-B), bagian dari TSE Group, menyelenggarakan bakti sosial kesehatan di Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua, Sabtu (29/5). Kegiatan ini dibarengi dengan acara komunikasi bulanan yang kerap dilakukan perusahaan dengan masyarakat di wilayah kerja.

Kegiatan ini merupakan program Corperate Social Contribution (CSC) TSE-B yang diadakan sebagai wujud kepedulian dan kontribusi perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekaligus mempererat hubungan kedua belah pihak.

Pelaksanaan bakti sosial kesehatan sendiri ditujukan untuk memeriksa kesehatan masyarakat sejak sedini mungkin. Di dalam rangkaiannya, perusahaan turut memberikan sosialisasi mengenai upaya menjaga kesehatan, terutama di tengah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini.

Salah seorang dokter di klinik TSE-B, Dr. Inggrit mengajak masyarakat untuk terbuka dengan pihak perusahaan dalam pemeriksaan kesehatan. “Ada yang merasa demam kah, atau pusing? Mari kita periksa terlebih dahulu,” ujarnya.

Dalam kegiatan bakti sosial ini, banyak warga yang melakukan konsultasi dengan dokter mengenai keluhan yang mereka alami. Beberapa masyarakat diimbau untuk datang ke klinik perusahaan agar bisa mendapatkan tindakan pengobatan lebih lanjut.

Perwakilan Manajemen TSE-B Sunman Kim menyebutkan, melalui kegiatan komunikasi bulanan, masyarakat dapat bertukar pikiran dan berdiskusi dengan pihak perusahaan. “Saya harap acara ini dapat bermanfaat,” tuturnya.

Rangkaian kegiatan komunikas ibulanan di Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua

Manajemen TSE-B membagikan masker kepadamasyarakat Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua

Pembagianmakanankepadamasyarakat Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel, Papua

Seperti pelaksanaan komunikasi bulanan lainnya, TSE-B turut memberikan edukasi mengenai budidaya sawi dan pembuatan keripik dari pelepah pisang melalui video. Perusahaan berharap, kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan semangat masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan hasil sumber daya alam secara kreatif guna meningkatkan kesejahteraann mereka.

Kegiatan komunikasi dan bakti sosial ditutup dengan kegiatan makan bersama antara pihak manajemen perusahaan dengan masyarakat di Kampung Ujungkia.

Ketua Marga Misa Kampung Ujungkia, Ambrosius Yasi menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada perusahaan yang sudah menyelenggarakan kegiatan bersama masyarakat. “Kami sangat butuh informasi tentang cara tanam sayur. Saya ucapkan terimakasih untuk perusahaan yang sudah buat acara begini,” katanya. [Christian/PPA Humas S&C]

Published On: June 1, 2021
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