HCV/HCS Assessment

TSE Group conducted the identification and assessment of HCV and HCS with BIOREF of the Faculty of Forestry – IPB University in all of our oil palm plantation areas in 2016, however, it did not conform with the needs of our stakeholders.

In September 2020, we worked in collaboration with Ata Marie to conduct an HCV and HCS reassessment and identification. The field assessment began in November 2020 in Halmahera, North Maluku and proceeded to Asiki, Papua in June – August 2021. We are committed that the HCV Assessments and HCS Approaches are conducted by ALS-HCVRN (HCV and HCS) licensed assessors. This commitment applies to our entire supply chain in accordance with our NDPE Policy. Ata Marie is currently preparing the draft of HCV and HCS Assessment results. After the draft is complete, Ata Marie will register it for the Integrated HCV/HCS Assessment on the Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS).

On August 2, 2023, the HCV & HCS assessment conducted on behalf of PT Gelora Mandiri Membangun (GMM) has attained “satisfactory” status. (https://www.hcvnetwork.org/reports/penilaian-nilai-konservasi-tinggi-dan-stok-karbon-tinggi-terintegrasi-di-pt-gelora-mandiri-membangun-maluku-utara-indonesia)