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TSE Provides Job Opportunities for Children of Hamlet Chiefs

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BOVEN DIGOEL – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group continues to carry out its commitment to empowering Indigenous Papuans (OAP). One way is through the opening of job opportunities from PT TSE for nine children of hamlet chiefs in Getentiri, Boven Digoel, Papua.

The recruitment process for new job candidates was officially held on Friday (3/9) at the TSE office. The nine selected hamlet chief’s children have graduated from school and were assessed as having the will and ability to work at TSE.

The General Manager of HRD and Personnel at TSE, Imran DJ Amir, said that the selected children of hamlet chiefs have been officially accepted as workers with PKWT (Fixed Term Employment Agreement) system and a three-month assessment period. “The PKWT will be extended if their performances are considered as good, disciplined, and responsible,” he explained.

Through its subsidiaries, TSE Group regularly hires indigenous Papuan workers as an effort to empower the community. Over the past three years, TSE Group has been recorded to have provided employment to more than 2,400 indigenous Papuans. They are spread across the companies, TSE and PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) located in Boven Digoel and PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP) in Merauke.

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TSE Group hopes that this recruitment effort for local workers will be able to improve the welfare of the community located around the company while also reducing unemployment rate in Papua.

TSE Group’s strong commitment to hire indigenous Papuans was also proven through proactive ways, which is socialization on employment opportunities to residents in districts and villages. The cooperation with the local government, especially district heads are often held as well. With these efforts, TSE Group hopes to optimize indigenous Papuan worker absorption.

Efforts to empower the local residents are not only done by providing employment opportunities. TSE Group often provides an assistance consisting of equipment and materials for cultivation in agriculture, fisheries, and animal husbandry through its Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program. This assistance can be used as resources to build entrepreneurship for the local community. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 3, 2021
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BOVEN DIGOEL – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group terus menjalankan komitmennya untuk memberdayakan masyarakat Orang Asli Papua (OAP). Salah satunya melalui pembukaan kesempatan kerja untuk sembilan anak tuan dusun di Getentiri, Boven Digoel, Papua, yang dilakukan PT TSE.

Proses penerimaan calon pekerja baru ini dilakukan secara resmi pada Jumat (3/9) di kantor TSE. Sembilan anak tuan dusun yang terpilih tersebut sudah lulus sekolah dan dinilai memiliki kemauan serta kemampuan untuk bekerja di TSE.

General Manager HRD dan Personalia TSE Imran DJ Amir menyebutkan, anak-anak tuan dusun yang terpilih itu telah resmi diterima menjadi pekerja Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) dengan masa penilaian selama tiga bulan. “PKWT akan diperpanjang jika kinerja mereka dinilai baik, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab,” tuturnya.

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Melalui anak-anak perusahaannya, TSE Group rutin menyerap tenaga kerja OAP sebagai upaya memberdayakan masyarakat. Selama tiga tahun terakhir, TSE Group tercatat sudah menyediakan lapangan kerja ke lebih dari 2.400 OAP. Mereka tersebar di perusahaan TSE dan PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) yang berada di Boven Digoel dan PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP) di Merauke.

TSE Group berharap, upaya penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal ini mampu mengakselerasi kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar area perusahaan sekaligus mengurangi angka pengangguran di Papua.

Kuatnya komitmen TSE Group untuk merekrut OAP juga dibuktikan melalui upaya ‘jemput bola’, yakni dengan sosialisasi mengenai lapangan kerja ke para warga distrik dan kampung. Kerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah, terutama kepala distrik, juga sering dilakukan. Dengan berbagai upaya ini, TSE Group berharap dapat memaksimalkan penyerapan tenaga kerja OAP.

Upaya pemberdayaan warga lokal tidak hanya dilakukan melalui penyediaan lapangan kerja. TSE Group kerap memberikan bantuan peralatan dan bahan untuk budidaya di bidang pertanian, perikanan dan peternakan melalui program Corporate Social Contribution (CSC). Bantuan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai modal wirausaha masyarakat setempat. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 3, 2021
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