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TSE Group Uses Proactive Ways to Absorb Indigenous Papuan Workers

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Kebun sawit memberikan peluang pendapatan ekonomi keluarga dan kesempatan kerja bagi orang asli Papua.(ANTARA News Papua)

BOVEN DIGOEL – Over the past three years, TSE Group has absorbed more than 2,400 Indigenous Papuan People (OAP) as workers. They hold positions in various companies, from PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE), PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP), to PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA), all of which are specialized in oil palm plantation operating in Merauke and Boven Digoel Regencies, Papua Province.

Director of Human Resources and General Affairs (HR-GA) at TSE Group, Ronny Makal said that this number was higher compared to when TSE Group started its operation in Papua in 1997.

At that time, the number of natives working at the company did not even reach hundreds of people. “Because most Papuans were not used to farming, especially oil palm,” Ronny explained.

On the other hand, working in oil palm plantations does require special skills and there were still many workers who did not understand how to manage and process plantation products.

However, as time went by, the community’s interest in oil palm plantations began to increase, especially when they saw their local fellows having success by working at TSE Group. “They saw the natives who progressed in this plantation, so they started to take interest (in working at oil palm plantations),” Ronny said.

Seeing the interest, the company started its recruitment process for OAP more actively. The company often holds socialization on employment opportunities and even takes proactive ways by visiting many districts and villages. Especially to Merauke and Boven Digoel Regencies which are TSE Group’s operational areas.

Collaboration with the local government, especially district heads are also held frequently. Through these various efforts, the company hopes it can maximize the absorption of OAP workers, so the unemployment rate can continue to decrease. So in the end, the community welfare can improve.

Ronny said that to date, the indigenous Papuan people have held various strategic positions at TSE Group, from section heads, assistant managers, to managers at the field and offices.

Read more about Tunas Sawa Erma..

In order to maximize the potential for employment absorption, Ronny elaborated that the company had provided many conveniences. One of them is by excluding a school certificate from administrative requirement. “For those in villages, the most important thing is they have identity card and family register,” he said.

Even if there are people with no identity card and family register, the company will provide even more ease. They can still apply for jobs and if they pass, the management of TSE Group will help them take care of the administration by involving the Population and Civil Registry Office (Disdukcapil).

The proactive step was taken due to the lack of willingness from the natives to work in the palm oil industry. Therefore, the company must be proactive in offering opportunities to those who want to apply.

TSE Group also frequently hold collaboration with the Papua Provincial Manpower Office to expand the scope of recruitment into workforce who own school certificates.

Ronny admitted that there are many challenges faced in absorbing workers, namely the OAP workers who have completed higher education prefer to become civil servants (PNS) after working at TSE Group for one to two years.

However, the challenges did not diminish the company’s spirit to maximize the empowerment of the Papuan people. Ronny emphasized that TSE Group remains committed to prioritize absorption of workers from the community around the company.

This commitment is carried out by TSE Group to help improve the welfare of the surrounding community through job creation. According to the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Papua as of August 2020 was at the level of 4.28 percent. This data is the latest figure released by BPS last November 2020.

This unemployment rate in Papua is still below the national average of 7.07 percent. However, this data illustrates the potential of workforce that has not been much absorbed so it requires special attention from many parties, including private entity such as TSE Group. (*)

Source : antaranews.com

Published On: April 21, 2021
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Kebun sawit memberikan peluang pendapatan ekonomi keluarga dan kesempatan kerja bagi orang asli Papua.(ANTARA News Papua)

BOVEN DIGOEL – Selama tiga tahun terakhir, TSE Group telah menyerap lebih dari 2.400 tenaga kerja Orang Asli Papua (OAP). Mereka tersebar di berbagai perusahaan, dari PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE), PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP) hingga PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) yang seluruhnya bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Merauke dan Boven Digoel, Provinsi Papua.

Direktur Human Resource dan General Affair (HR-GA) TSE Group Ronny Makal mengatakan, jumlah ini lebih banyak dibandingkan ketika pertama kali TSE Group beroperasi di Papua pada 1997.

Saat itu, jumlah putra-putri daerah yang bekerja di perusahaan tidak mencapai ratusan orang. “Sebab, kebanyakan warga Papua belum terbiasa di kebun, terutama sawit,” ucap Ronny.

Di sisi lain, bekerja di perkebunan sawit memang membutuhkan kemampuan khusus. Sedangkan, masih banyak angkatan kerja yang tidak memahami cara mengelola dan mengolah hasil perkebunan.

Tapi, seiring berjalannya waktu, ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap kebun sawit mulai meningkat. Khususnya ketika mereka melihat teman sedaerah yang sudah sukses dengan bekerja di TSE Group. “Mereka melihat ada putra daerah yang berkembang di kebun ini, sehingga mulai tertarik (untuk bekerja di sawit-red),” tutur Ronny.

Melihat minat itu, perusahaan mulai melakukan proses rekrutmen OAP secara lebih aktif. Perusahaan kerap melakukan sosialisasi mengenai lapangan kerja hingga ‘jemput bola’ ke banyak distrik dan kampung. Terlebih khusus ke Kabupaten Merauke dan Boven Digoel yang merupakan area kerja TSE Group.

Kerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah, terutama kepala distrik, juga rutin dilakukan. Melalui berbagai upaya ini, perusahaan berharap dapat memaksimalkan penyerapan tenaga kerja OAP, sehingga jumlah pengangguran bisa terus berkurang. Hasil akhirnya, tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat bisa membaik.

Sampai saat ini, Ronny mengatakan, putra-putri asli Papua sudah menduduki berbagai posisi strategis di TSE Group. Mulai dari kepala seksi, asisten manajer hingga manajer di lapangan maupun perkantoran.

Baca Juga Artikel Tentang Tunas Sawa Erma

Untuk memaksimalkan potensi penyerapan tenaga kerja, Ronny menuturkan, perusahaan memberikan banyak kemudahan. Salah satunya, tidak menyertakan ijazah sekolah sebagai syarat administrasi. “Untuk di kampung, terpenting adalah mereka punya KTP dan Kartu Keluarga (KK),” katanya.

Kalaupun ada masyarakat yang tidak memiliki KTP dan KK, perusahaan kembali memberikan keringanan. Mereka tetap dapat melamar pekerjaan dan jika lolos, manajemen TSE Group akan membantu mengurus administrasinya dengan melibatkan Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil).

Langkah ‘jemput bola’ ini diambil karena minimnya kemauan dari putra-putri daerah untuk bekerja di industri sawit. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus aktif menawarkan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk mendaftar.

TSE Group juga kerap menggaet Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Provinsi Papua untuk memperluas cakupan perekrutan ke angkatan kerja yang memiliki ijazah.

Ronny mengakui, banyak tantangan yang dihadapi dalam menyerap tenaga kerja. Di antaranya, para pekerja OAP yang sudah menempuh pendidikan tinggi lebih memilih menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) ketika sudah bekerja di TSE Group selama satu sampai dua tahun.

Tapi, tantangan itu tidak memudarkan semangat perusahaan untuk memaksimalkan pemberdayaan masyarakat Papua. Ronny menekankan, TSE Group tetap berkomitmen untuk memprioritaskan penyerapan tenaga kerja dari warga sekitar perusahaan.

Komtimen ini dilakukan TSE Group untuk ikut mendorong kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja. Menurut data ketenagakerjaan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) di Papua per Agustus 2020 berada di level 4,28 persen. Data ini merupakan angka terbaru yang dirilis BPS pada November 2020 lalu.

Tingkat pengangguran di Papua itu masih di bawah rata-rata nasional yang sebesar 7,07 persen. Meski demikian, data ini menggambarkan bahwa potensi angkatan kerja masih belum banyak terserap sehingga membutuhkan perhatian khusus dari banyak pihak, termasuk pihak swasta seperti TSE Group.  (*)

Source : antaranews.com

Published On: April 21, 2021
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