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TSE Group Supplied 420 kg Sacks of Rice for the Miri and Tamun Tunas Villages

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FEATURED: PT. TSE’s Deputy General Manager of PR, Daniel Sim Ayomi (third from right), distributed the donation to the people of Papua.

BOVEN DIGOEL, PAPUA – In order to ease the burdens of the people during this hard time, PT. Tunas Sawa Erma or (PT. TSE) had recently distributed 42 donation packages for people in Miri and Tamun Tunas Villages, Boven Digoel Regency, Papua.

The packages contained groceries such as 420 kg of rice sacks, 40 boxes of instant noodles, 20 boxes of coffee, 20 boxes of tea bag, as well 50 litre of cooking oil.

The donation was distributed through the CSC Program (Corporate Social Contribution), and was targeted mainly for those who were economically unstable, owners of the customary rights, and the widows and children.

One of the receivers, Theresia Kinimarop—the representative of the Group of Widows, Elderly, and Orphaned—expressed her gratitude for the corporate, which had helped her make ends meet.

Similar thing was also said by the Chief of Miri Village, Alowesius Amkai, who had declared that this help from PT. TSE truly lifted the burdens off of the people—making them able to strive even in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

PT. Tunas Sawa Erma, respresented by the Deputy General Manager of Public Relations, Daniel Sim Ayomi, had stated that this aid was the form of the corporate’s appreciation towards the locals.

“We sincerely wish that this donation could help the people, as well to unite all of us to help build our beloved home together,” he said. (pr)

Published On: September 15, 2020
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FOTO: Deputi General Manager Humas PT TSE, Daniel Sim Ayomi (ketiga dari kanan),
menyerahkan sembako kepada warga pedalaman di Papua

BOVEN DIGOEL, PAPUA – Untuk membantu meringankan kesulitan masyarakat di tengah-tengah pandemi saat ini, Korindo Group melalui salah satu unit bisnisnya yang bergerak di perkebunan kelapa sawit di Papua, PT Tunas Sawa Erma (PT TSE) menyalurkan 42 paket bantuan untuk masyarakat di Kampung Miri dan Dusun Tamun Tunas, Kabupaten Boven Digoel, Papua, belum lama ini.

Jenis bantuan yang disalurkan adalah sembako berupa beras seberat 420 kg, mi instan sebanyak 40 box, kopi sebanyak 20 boks, teh celup sebanyak 20 boks, berikut minyak goreng sebanyak 50 liter.

Seluruhnya didistribusikan melalui program CSC (Corporate Social Contribution) yang diberikan kepada masyarakat yang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi, pemilik ulayat ,dan juga para janda, serta anak-anak yatim piatu.

Salah seorang penerima sembako, Theresia Kinimarop—perwakilan Kelompok Janda, Jompo, dan Yatim-Piatu—mengucapkan rasa syukur dan terima kasih banyak kepada perusahaan yang telah membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari.

Hal senada juga diutarakan oleh Kepala Kampung Miri, Alowesius Amkai yang menilai bahwa bantuan PT TSE sangat meringankan beban masyarakat, utamanya dalam kegiatan sehari-hari mereka.

PT Tunas Sawa Erma, diwakilkan oleh Deputi General Manager Humas, Daniel Sim Ayomi, mengatakan bahwa bantuan ini adalah wujud kepedulian perusahaan terhadap seluruh lapisan masyarakat setempat.

“Kami berharap bantuan sembako ini dapat memberi banyak manfaat, serta mempersatukan kita semua untuk bersama membangun daerah tercinta ini” tuturnya. (pr)

Published On: September 15, 2020
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