A report from BBC News Indonesia on Petrus Kinggo’s dissatisfaction with PT Tunas Sawa Erma Block E (November 12, 2020).
- Petrus Kinggo, leader of the Kinggo clan from the Mandobo tribe, demands PT TSE E to realize company’s commitments to the customary rights owners.
- On March 16, 2021, the team from the AZ Law Office & Conflict Resolution Center (AZ) as a mediator conveyed to Petrus Kinggo that the complaint about PT. TSE block E could be resolved through dialogue or mediation mechanism if he agrees. He showed interest on that and asked a letter of approval for the appointment of a mediator for him. However, when the letter of appointment of the mediator( AZ) was given, Petrus Kinggo retracted his word and did not sign the letter on the grounds that he wanted to conduct a customary consultation of internal Kalikao clans first.
- On March 17, 2021, Petrus Kinggo said that he wanted the settlement of complaint through the customary consultation. AZ answered that Petrus Kinggo could freely make decision through customary consultation because the decision to choose resolution mechanism is entirely at community’s discretion.
- On March 24, 2021, Petrus Kinggo sent a letter to the AZ regarding the refusal of the mediator and the offer for the mediation process that had previously been agreed upon.
- On April 17, 2021, in this meeting AZ asked for an explanation regarding the letter of mediation rejection dated March 24, 2021, but Petrus Kinggo refused to give an explanation and stated that he still refused the mediation process and PT. TSE Block E on its customary land.
- AZ concluded based on interviews with other clan leaders and a study of documents that Petrus Kinggo’s complaint was not supported by all clan leaders, both in KampungKalikao and in Kampung Miri. The complaint submitted by Petrus Kinggo was only supported by the head of the Amotey clan, while the other 8 clans did not express their rejection of the existence of PT. TSE Block E.
- AZ concluded that in accordance with the principles of FPIC and the principles of mediation related to self-determination, the proposed grievance mechanism through mediation offered by the TSE Group could no longer proceed because Petrus Kinggo had expressed his refusal of the mediation process both verbally and in writing. Thus this grievance case is declared closed (Case Closed) (Letter from the AZ Law mediator team)
- However, TSE Group is willing to resume dialogue and mediation whenever Petrus Kinggo wants in the future