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Scholarship Distribution by PT Tunas Sawa Erma

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PICTURE: Togetherness of PT Tunas Sawa Erma management with students at the Scholarship Distribution of Semester II of 2020

Asiki – PT Tunas Sawa Erma (PT TSE-A) once again provided scholarships to 55 students through the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program event located at the Meeting Room of PT Tunas Sawa Erma A, Camp 19, Jair District, Boven Digoel, Papua and was held for 2 days, on Thursday (19/11/20) & Friday (20/11/20).

The scholarship program is a commitment from TSE Group Papua as the company’s concern for education. The number of scholarship recipients this year based on the education levels include 19 elementary school students (SD), 13 junior high school students (13), 17 high school students (SMA), and 6 university students.

“The company hopes that the scholarship recipients can properly benefit from this assistance to buy school supplies and parents should encourage their children to maintain their passion in studying,” said Mr. Kim Inwoog as the GM of PT TSE-A in his speech.

Mr. Allowesius Gembenop, representing the parents of the scholarship recipients added in his speech, “The children who have received this assistance must remain passionate in studying, if you are diligent, the result will certainly be good”.

On the same occasion, Mr. Bae Sung Tek, the General Manager of PT TSE-A stated, “PT Tunas Sawa Erma provided support to students in the form of education scholarship, from elementary school to university level. We, on behalf of the company, hope that this scholarship can motivate children further to study more actively in achieving their goals. Stay encouraged, reach your dreams for the future,” he said in an interview following the event.

Published On: December 28, 2020
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FOTO: Kebersamaan manajemen PT. Tunas Sawa Erma dengan para Siswa dalam Penyerahan Beasiswa Semester II Tahun 2020

Asiki – PT. Tunas Sawa Erma A (PT.TSE-A) kembali menyerahkan bantuan dana beasiswa kepada 55 orang siswa-siswi melalui program Corporation Sosial Contribution (CSC) bertempat di Ruang Rapat Kantor PT. Tunas Sawa Erma A, Camp 19 Distrik Jair, Boven Digoel, Papua yang dilaksanakan selama 2 hari, yaitu pada Kamis (19/11/20) & Jumat (20/11/20).

Program beasiswa ini merupakan komitmen dari TSE Group Papua sebagai wujud kepedulian Perusahaan terhadap dunia pendidikan. Jumlah penerima beasiswa tahun ini berdasarkan jenjang pendidikan meliputi jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) sebanyak 19 orang, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) sebanyak 13 orang, Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) sebanyak 17 orang dan Perguruan Tinggi sebanyak 6 orang.

“Harapan perusahaan kepada adik-adik penerima beasiswa, semoga bantuan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik untuk membeli keperluan sekolah & untuk orang tua kiranya dapat terus mendorong anak-anaknya untuk tetap terus semangat belajar”, ujar Mr.Kim Inwoog selaku GM PT.TSE-A dalam sambutannya.

Bapak Allowesius Gembenop mewakili orang tua siswa-siswi penerima beasiswa menambahkan dalam sambutannya “anak-anak yang sudah dapat bantuan harus semangat belajar, jika rajin belajar hasilnya pasti bagus”.

Dikesempatan yang sama Mr. Bae Sung Tek Manager Umum PT.TSE-A menyampaikan “PT. Tunas Sawa Erma memberikan dukungan kepada siswa-siswi berupa beasiswa pendidikan, dari jenjang Sekolah Dasar hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Harapan kami dari pihak perusahaan semoga beasiswa ini dapat lebih memotivasi adik-adik untuk lebih giat belajar dalam menggapai cita-citanya. Tetap semangat, raih impian kalian demi masa depan” ujarnya dalam wawancara seusai kegiatan.

Published On: December 28, 2020
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