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PT TSE’s Gift of Dormitories for Merauke’s Students

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FEATURED: Manager of PT TSE, Bae Sung Tek (right), handing the keys of the dormitories to the General Chief of the Clans, Muis Gembenop

BOVEN DIGOEL, August 24 2020 — The proof of PT Tunas Sawa Erma POP A’s social concern towards the people of Merauke had been realised once more through donating two 130m2 dormitory buildings located in Jalan Mopah, Merauke, on Wednesday (19/8). This event was attended by the head of the company, the representative of LMA (Lembaga Masyarakat Adat), one pastor, the Chiefs of the Clans, and the students themselves.

This donation was targeted to help the students coming from some of the main clans residing around the corporate—those who were pursuing a higher education in Merauke. These clans were namely the Gembenop-Arteka Clan, the Ekoki-Gowe Clan, as well the Mikan-Kereke-Ita Clan.

The dormitories were completely facilitated with refrigerators, televisions, study desks, and cupboards. Not to be overlooked, the corporate had also prepared groceries as an additional support for the students.

Genuine happiness overwhelmed not only these students, but also their parents and the Chiefs of the Clans—represented by Alowesius Gembenop. He gave the outmost appreciation towards the corporate for participating in giving a better education system to the children of Merauke.

On the same occasion, Silvester—one of the dormitory residents—had also spoken about his own gratitude, and he sincerely hoped that similar generosity would come to aid the future generations.

The General Manager of PT. TSE-A, Bae Sung Tek, was present during the commence of the big event. Representing the corporate, he wished that both of the dormitories—alongside the grocery supplies within—would provide comfort and safety for the students, so they could be more enthusiastic in studying and achieving their dreams. (*)


*Kompas TV coverage Merauke link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oicp0dYOeww

Published On: September 3, 2020
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Foto: Penyerahan kunci asrama oleh Manajer Umum PT. TSE, Bae Sung Tek (kanan), kepada Ketua Marga Umum, Muis Gembenop

BOVEN DIGOEL, 24 AGUSTUS 2020 – Kepedulian PT. Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE)—bagian usaha dari Korindo Group—terhadap upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia kembali diwujudkan secara nyata, dengan diserahkannya asrama putera dan puteri seluas 130 m2 yang berlokasi di Jl. Mopah, Merauke pada Rabu (19/8) lalu. Acara penyerahan dihadiri oleh pimpinan perusahaan, Perwakilan Lembaga Masyarakat Adat (LMA), Pastor, Ketua marga dan para pelajar yang akan menempati asrama).

Bantuan ini diperuntukkan bagi pelajar dari 4 marga yang berada di sekitar areal perusahaan yang menempuh pendidikan lebih tinggi di Kabupaten Merauke, yaitu Marga Gembenop-Arteka, Ekoki-Gowe, Mikan-Kereke-Ita, dan Marga Ekoki-Gembenop.

Bangunan asrama yang dipersiapkan oleh perusahaan dilengkapi fasilitas seperti lemari es, televisi, meja belajar, serta lemari pakaian. Tak luput dari perhatian perusahaan, bantuan sembako turut disertakan sebagai pelengkap.

Kebahagiaan meliputi tidak hanya para pelajar, namun juga orang tua dan Ketua Marga—yang diwakilkan oleh Alowesius Gembenop. Ia memberi apresiasi tinggi kepada perusahaan yang turut berpartisipasi memajukan pendidikan anak-anak.

Di kesempatan yang sama, Silvester—salah satu mahasiswa yang menempati asrama—mengucapkan terima kasih, serta berharap bahwa bantuan serupa dapat diberikan kepada generasi-generasi pelajar selanjutnya.

Manajer Umum PT. TSE-A, Bae Sung Tek, turut menghadiri acara penyerahan asrama. Mewakili perusahaan, ia berharap bantuan gedung asrama berikut fasilitasnya ini dapat memberi kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi para pelajar, sehingga mereka dapat lebih bersemangat dalam menimba ilmu dan meraih cita-cita. (pr)


*Link liputan Kompas TV Merauke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oicp0dYOeww

Published On: September 3, 2020
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