The CSR team of PT. Tunas Sawa Erma in collaboration with KOICA, the government, the community, and the Military Subdistrict Command (Koramil) 1711-13/GTR, and RI-PNG Border Security Task Force Yonif Raider 323/BP held a mass medical treatment which is one of the pillars, which are: health and environment. On Sunday, December 17th 2017, at 09.00 WIT (Eastern Indonesin Time), the CSR team started their activities in Naga Village, Jair District, Boven Digoel Subdistrict by doing counseling, free treatment, and environment cleaning
The first counseling was conducted by dr. Arry Misi Sawai Ghoai, discussing on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in the household, and followed by dr. Rizki Juniarti, who gave counseling and taught children how to brush teeth properly and correctly.
People were very enthusiastic to attend the counseling and followed it up with the treatment. The number of people who participated was 219 people and were given free medicine, brushes & toothpastes for children and there were also food distribution. Although some children weren’t sick, the CSR team suggested for them to be weighed so they could know the weight and be given B Complex and C vitamins.
According to one of the residents in Naga Village, Mrs. Tuti said “This activity is very helpful for people because the health center is far from the village and there is no public transportation. Now there’s Posyandu (integrated health service post) that can help the community but Posyandu only opens for 3 days in Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. If people are sick, they go to the clinic owned by PT. Inocin or Camp 19. Ibu Tuti as a resident of Naga village expressed her gratitude for the free treatment which is very helpful for the community
Dr. Muhammad Barkah, a doctor from Yonif Raider 323/BP, participated in the health check-up and gave consultation to people who came for treatment. He said the people’s health condition of Naga Village is far from the expected, the health and welfare is very low. As it is known, health condition in Papua is very difficult. Access to health facilities is very far-fetched and the medical personnel is lacking. With activities like this from the CSR Team of PT. Tunas Sawa Erma in coordination with the Military Subdistrict Command and Task Force, it is hoped that the people in Papua would have better condition.
One of the doctors from Asiki clinic, Dr. Delvi Natalia Bawan said that there are children who weigh below their minimum standard, so they need attention. Furthermore, they didn’t receive their mothers’ milk. In addition, in terms of food, they sometimes only eat rice with vegetables. So the children in Naga Village have poor nutrition.
In addition to the mass medical treatment, the CSR team, in cooperation with the Military Subdistrict Command and Task Force, also carried out cleaning activities in the community’s environment. The hope is that the community can protect the surrounding environment so they could live clean and healthy.
The Chief of Naga Village expressed his gratitude for the existence of this activity which is very helpful for the community and hoped that such cooperation will continue in the future.