Foto : Program Edukasi Sosial oleh TSE Group yang dilaksanakan di salah satu sekolah di Papua

Photo : One of TSE Group’s Social Education events, at a local school

SOUTH PAPUA – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group is an oil palm plantation company group in Papua, committed to practicing sustainable palm oil governance and innovating to contribute to the local social environment, where schools are a part of.

Education is a cornerstone for young, bright minds to build potential on. But its system in Papua is rife with issues, just like in any other remote areas in Indonesia. Limited learning facilities and the lack of teaching staff are among common problems requiring solutions from both the private and public sectors.

TSE Group is demonstrating its commitment to this matter by implementing a variety of assistance programs. Under the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program, the company has delivered free uniforms, stationery and other learning tools, school buses, and for the children of clan chiefs, scholarships.

Contributions are also made to people development through skill workshops. This year, TSE rolled out a collaborative project with the Productivity & Vocational Training Center in Sorong, where they provided fuel-injected motorcycle maintenance and outboard motor repair training for children of local hamlet chiefs. With the Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) scholarship program, TSE financially aided the children during their studies at the Yogyakarta Agricultural Community Academy (AKPY), its partner university through the Directorate General of Plantation.

Foto : Dukungan dari pihak perusahaan yang ditunjukan melalui pelatihan berbasis kompetensi kepada anak – anak tuan dusun

Photo : The company shows its support through competency-based training for children of local hamlet chiefs

To improve human resources quality, the company builds character early on through the Social Education program. A Social Education event involves teaching general and social knowledge in primary and secondary education in the regencies of Boven Digoel and Merauke. Topics generally cover the basics of law, entrepreneurship, and health, and are delivered by practitioners or people well-versed in the field.

“We strive to bring young Papuans educational-oriented programs that help them build positive qualities and gain more knowledge about the world,” said TSE Group’s PR general manager Park Jibae.

TSE Group comes up with diverse programs to build a stronger, healthier, and smarter generation in Papua. Character building is the main focus of our CSC initiatives, which are supported by aid and donations that improve learning facilities and tools. (PR)

Published On: October 10, 2023
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