Establish Togetherness with the Community
As a company that has been around for almost three decades in Papua, TSE Group is committed to helping [...]
Bring Happiness for the Papuan Community
PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) tries to bring happiness to the residents of Camp 19 Jair District, Boven Digoel, [...]
Commitment to Advance Papuan Education
As a company that has been around for almost three decades in Papua, TSE Group is committed to helping [...]
Aid for Merauke Archdiocese
PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE), part of the TSE Group, provided funding assistance for the construction of the Merauke [...]
Bantuan mesin jahit untuk Suster Asiki
Sebagai perusahaan yang sudah berdiri hampir tiga dekade di Papua, TSE Group berkomitmen membantu masyarakat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka. [...]