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Tunas Sawa Erma Gerilya Bantu Pemerataan Vaksinasi di Papua

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Pemberian vaksin Covid-19 TSE pada warga di Sekitar Area Perusahaan,Senin (22/11)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma, bagian usaha yang tergabung di Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Groupmembantu program pemerintah untuk melakukan pemerataan vaksinasi kepada masyarakat orang asli Papua yang belum menerima vaksin Covid-19. Keseriusan TSE dalam percepatan pemerataan vaksinasi dilakukan secara mobile atau berkeliling mendatangi setiap rumah yang ada di di Kampung Asiki, Boven Digoel, Papua.

Vaksinasi Covid-19 mobiledilakukan selama delapan hari, sejak 22 November hingga 2 Desember 2021, mulai pukul 14.00 sampai dengan 17.35 WIT. Di hari pertama, sedikitnya 40 warga mengikuti kegiatan program ini. Perusahaan menargetkan, sebanyak 150orangakan mendapatkan vaksin.

Sebelumnya, perwakilan TSE melalui petugas kesehatan Klinik Asiki telah memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi kepada warga yang belum vaksin. Mereka memberikan edukasi bahwa penyuntikan vaksin ke dalam tubuh itu penting untuk pencegahan penyebaran virus Covid-19.

Tenaga medis dari klinik TSE, dr.  Riski Jumiati yang bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan vaksinasi mobile memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai manfaat vaksin dan efek samping yang mungkinterjadi.“pemberianvaksininiharusdilakukanuntukmenambah daya tahan tubuh kita, terutama untuk mencegah virus covid-19 yang masuk ke dalam tubuh kita. Mungkin ada sedikit efek samping yang terjadi, tapi selama itu masih dalam batas wajar, tidak apa-apa, ”ujarnya.

Warga menyambut baik kegiatan vaksinasi dan berterima kasih kepada TSE karena telah memberikan pemahaman soal pentingnya vaksin Covid-19 bagi tubuh mereka. Mereka juga mengapresiasi program vaksinasi dari TSE yang dilakukan secara berkala hingga bersedia mendatangi masyarakat secara langsung.

Salah seorang warga Asiki, Maria Salome, berharap agar bisa terus mendapatkan layanan kesehatan lainnya dari TSE.

“Kami berharap, kontribusi ini tidak hanya sebatas pemberian vaksin Covid-19 saja, tetapi jugapemberian layanan kesehatan lainnya. Terima kasih kepada TSE dan dokter yang telah membantu pelayanan serta sosialisasi, karena sebelumnya kami mendengar isu jika melakukan vaksinasi Covid-19, kami akan mati. Namun PT TSE telah memberikan penjelasan bahwa isu tersebut tidak benar,”tuturnya.

Petugas Kesehatan Beri Penyuluhan dan Sosialisasi Pentingnya Vaksin Covid-19 Bagi Tubuh

Manager Umum TSE, Martehn Pare menuturkan, perusahaan akan terus berupaya mengakselerasi program vaksinasi Covid-19 yang kini menjadi prioritas pemerintah, “Kami akan mengupayakan yang terbaik untuk kesehatan warga di sekitar area perusahaan dan bekerja sama dengan pihak-pihak terkait seperti TNI dan Polriuntuk membantu pengamanan serta kelancaran vaksinasi massal agar dapat menjangkau lebih banyak masyarakat,” ujar Martehn.

Gerilya TSE Group untuk membantu program prioritas pemerintah dalam penanganan pandemi telah dilakukan sejak lama. Sebelumnya, TSE mengadakan program vaksinasi Covid-19 bagi masyarakat Boven Digoelpada Juni dan awal September 2021. Jumlah vaksin yang disalurkan kala itu mencapai 900 dosis, dari total 2.750 dosis yang telah disediakan untuk beberapa wilayah di Boven Digoel.

Harapannya, pemerataan vaksinasi Covid-19 dapat menciptakan kekebalan kelompok (herd immunity), sehingga masyarakat di Boven Digoel, Papua dapat tetap produktif di masa pandemi.(pr)

Published On: Desember 1, 2021
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Provision of COVID-19 vaccines by TSE for residents living around the company area, Monday (22/11)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma, a business unit of Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group supported the government’s program on vaccine equity for the indigenous Papuans who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccines. TSE’s commitment in the acceleration of vaccine equity was carried out in a mobile manner by visiting homes of people living in the Asiki Village, Boven Digoel, Papua, on Monday (22/11).

The mobile COVID-19 vaccination was held for eight days, from November 22 to December 2, 2021, starting at 14.00 until 17.35 WIT (Eastern Indonesian Time). On the first day, at least 40 people participated in the program. The company targeted as many as 150 people will be given the vaccines.

Earlier, TSE’s representatives through the health workers from Asiki Clinic had provided counseling and socialization to residents who haven’t received the vaccines. They provided education that vaccine injection into the body is important in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus.

One of the medical personnel from TSE clinic, Dr.  Riski Jumiati, who was responsible for the mobile vaccination activity, provided information to the community about the benefits of vaccines and the side effects that may occur. “The administration of the vaccines needs to be done to improve our immune system, especially to prevent the COVID-19 virus entering our body. There may be a few side effects that will occur, but as long as they are still reasonable, it is fine,” she explained.

The residents appreciated the vaccination activity and thanked TSE for providing information on the importance of COVID-19 vaccines for their bodies. They also appreciated the vaccination program from TSE which is held periodically and for its willingness to directly visit the community.

One of the residents in Asiki, Maria Salome, hoped to be able to keep receiving other healthcare services from TSE.

“We hope this contribution is not only limited to the provision of COVID-19 vaccines, but also provision of other healthcare services. Thank you to TSE and the doctors who have helped with the healthcare services as well as socialization, because we heard rumors if we receive COVID-19 vaccination, we could die. But PT TSE has provided explanation that the rumors are not true,” he said.

Health Workers Providing Counseling and Socialization on the Importance of COVID-19 Vaccine for the Body

The General Manager of TSE, Martehn Pare said that the company would continue to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination program which has now become the government’s priority, “We will strive to give the best for the health of residents living in the company area and cooperate with related parties such as the National Armed Forces and National Police officers to help with the security as well and the success of the vaccination in order to reach more people,” said Martehn.

TSE Group’s intensive efforts to help the government’s priority program in pandemic handling has been carried out for a long time. Previously, TSE held a COVID-19 vaccination program for Boven Digoel community in June and early September 2021. The number of vaccines distributed at that time reached 900 doses out of the total 2.750 doses, which have been provided to several regions in Boven Digoel.

It is hoped that the COVID-19 vaccine equity can create herd immunity, so that people in Boven Digoel, Papua will be able to remain productive during the pandemic. (pr)

Published On: November 22, 2021
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