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TSE Hijaukan Kampung Naga dengan Pohon Buah

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Manajemen TSE dan masyarakat Kampung Naga, Boven Digoel, bersama-sama menanam bibit pohon bersama di area Koperasi BDM pada Sabtu (18/9)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE), bagian dari TSE Group, menanam pohon buah-buahan bersama masyarakat lingkungan Kampung Naga, Boven Digoel, Sabtu (18/9). Kegiatan ini sebagai bagian dari upaya perusahaan untuk menghijaukan area di sekitar perusahaan dengan melibatkan komunitas setempat.

Kegiatan penanaman dilakukan di lahan seluas 10 hektare (ha) di Kampung Naga, tepatnya di area Koperasi Bog Dagon Mandiri (BDM). Sebanyak 500 bibit pohon telah disediakan TSE yang terdiri dari bibit pohon durian dan jeruk. Saat acara peresmian, pihak manajemen dan masyarakat menanam 50 bibit secara simbolis.

Sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan Covid-19, peserta kegiatan penanaman mengenakan masker dan rutin mencuci tangan. Pihak TSE turut membagikan masker kepada masyarakat untuk membantu mencegah penyebaran virus.

General Manager TSE Rudi Hermawan berharap, bibit-bibit yang sudah ditanam dapat memberikan dampak positif dari sisi lingkungan. Di sisi lain, nantinya, masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan hasil panen untuk dijual ke pasar. Dengan begitu, pendapatan dan kesejahteraan mereka dapat meningkat sekaligus menciptakan kemandirian ekonomi bagi warga sekitar.

“Saya berharap, kegiatan ini dapat membantu ekonomi masyarakat sehingga mereka dapat memiliki penghasilan cukup dan bisa mengembangkan daerah ini bersama-sama,” tutur Rudi.

Selama proses penanaman, perwakilan TSE mengajarkan kepada masyarakat mengenai cara pemilihan bibit berkualitas serta cara menanam bibit pohon yang baik. Rudi juga menekankan perannya masyarakat untuk menjaga bibit pohon demi memastikan produktivitas tanaman di kemudian hari.

Tidak hanya berhenti di sini, TSE juga mengajak warga untuk menanam pohon untuk tujuan pelestarian lingkungan maupun kemandirian ekonomi.

Masyarakat Kampung Naga merasa antusias untuk turut andil dalam kegiatan penghijauan ini. Ketua Marga Mikan-Onggan-Kereke, Ignasius Mikan, mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya kepada TSE yang sudah rutin memberikan dukungan yang bisa memberikan manfaat jangka panjang bagi warga.

“Kami berterima kasih kepada perusahaan yang sudah memberikan tanaman ini dan memberikan contoh menanam yang benar, supaya kami juga bisa menikmatinya nanti. Harapannya, TSE bisa terus membantu dan memperhatikan masyarakat,” ujarnya.

Melalui program Corporate Social Contribution (CSC), TSE Group kerap memberikan kontribusi terhadap lingkungan. Sebelumnya, pada Juli 2021, PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) yang merupakan unit usaha TSE Group di Merauke, Papua, mengadakan kampanye pelestarian lingkungan. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, BCA memberikan edukasi dan sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya perlindungan flora dan fauna, terutama terhadap jenis yang hampir punah.

Selain di bidang lingkungan, CSC TSE Group juga mencakup sektor pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi dan infrastruktur. Program-program ini merupakan wujud kepedulian TSE Group untuk membangun kehidupan masyarakat di lingkungan perusahaan yang harmonis dan sejahtera. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 23, 2021
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TSE management and community of Naga Village, Boven Digoel carried out planting of fruit seedlings together at BDM Cooperative area on Saturday (18/9)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE), a part of TSE Group, carried out planting of fruit trees together with the local community of Naga Village, Boven Digoel, Saturday (18/9). This activity is part of the company’s efforts to bring reforestation to the area around the company by involving the local community.

The planting activity was carried out on a ​​10-hectare (ha) land in Naga Village, specifically in the area of Bog Dagon Mandiri (BDM) Cooperative. TSE provided as many as 500 tree seedlings, consisting of durian and orange tree seedlings. During the inauguration ceremony, the management and the community planted 50 seedlings in a symbolic manner.

By complying with the COVID-19 health protocol, participants at the planting event wore masks and regularly washed their hands. TSE also distributed masks to the community to help prevent the spread of the virus.

General Manager of TSE Rudi Hermawan hopes that the seedlings planted can have a positive impact on the environment. On the other hand, the community will be able to benefit from the harvest and sell it to the market. This will improve their income and welfare while also creating economic independence for the local residents.

”I hope this activity can help the community’s economy so they can have enough income and can develop this area together,” Rudi said.

During the planting process, the representatives from TSE taught the community how to select quality seedlings and how to plant tree seedlings properly. Rudi also emphasized the role of the community in maintaining tree seedlings to ensure the crop productivity in the future.

Not only that, TSE also invited the residents to plant trees for the purpose of environmental preservation and economic independence.

The Naga Village community took part with enthusiasm in the greening activity. The Chief of Mikan-Onggan-Kereke Clan, Ignasius Mikan, expressed his gratitude to TSE for regularly providing support that can bring long-term benefits for the residents.

“We thank the company for providing these plants and giving an example of proper planting, so that we can also enjoy it in the future. Hopefully TSE can continue to help and pay attention to the community,” he expressed.

Through the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program, TSE Group often contributes to the environment. Previously, in July 2021, PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA), a business unit of TSE Group in Merauke, Papua, conducted an environmental conservation campaign. In the activity, BCA provided education and socialization on the importance of protecting flora and fauna, especially the endangered species.

In addition to the environmental sector, CSC of TSE Group also covers sectors such as education, health, economy, and infrastructure. These programs are TSE Group’s real actions that stems from the company’s concern for building a harmonious and prosperous life of the community around the company’s environment. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 23, 2021
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