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TSE Beri Edukasi Lingkungan ke Warga Kampung Naga

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Perwakilan TSE dan wargaKampung Naga foto bersama usai membersihkan sampah di area sungai di BovenDigoel, Papua, padaSabtu (4/12)

BOVEN DIGOEL  – Tunas Sawa Erma Group (TSE) Group melalui PT TSE memberikan edukasi tentang pelestarian lingkungan ke warga Kampung Naga, Boven Digoel, Papua, pada Sabtu (4/12). Kegiatan ini menjadi bagian dari upaya TSE untuk melestarikan lingkungan dan menjaga kualitas air bersih yang mengaliri permukiman dengan turut mengajak partisipasi aktif masyarakat setempat.

Kegiatan ini diikuti sedikitnya 20wargaKampung Naga. Manajemen TSE mengajak warga untuk menjaga kebersihan di area hutan dan sekitar sungai secara bersama-sama.

Selain itu, Manager ISPO TSE,Eko Nuroso juga memberikansosialisasi mengenai jenis–jenis satwa liar dan tumbuhan yang harus dilindungi. “Ada beberapa jenis flora dan fauna yang harus kita lindungi bersama, seperti burung cendrawasih, burung kakak tua, sarang semut, kumis kucing, serta anggrek hitam,” ucapnya.

Di kesempatan yang sama, Manager Umum TSEMarthen Pare menekankan pentingnya menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan tempat tinggal demi kebaikan bersama. “Saudara – saudari yang hadir, kita harus peduli dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal kita. Mari kita jaga bersama hutan dan sungai. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Agar anak cucu kita dapat menikmati alam yang indah ini,” tuturnya.

Kegiatan kampanye ini disambut baik oleh masyarakat Kampung Naga. Ketua Marga Kampung Naga, Alowesius Ekoi Gembenopmenyampaikan apresasi kepada keterlibatan perusahaan dalam pelestarian lingkungan. “Saya selaku ketua marga di Kampung Naga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada perusahaan yang telah mengajak kami untuk menyadari pentingnya menjaga lingkungan,” katanya.

Kampanye peduli lingkungan bukanlah hal baru bagi TSE. Sebelumnya, pada awal November, TSE turut memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakatKampungUjungkia, Boven Digoel, mengenai pentingnya menjaga hutan dan sungai di sekitar mereka. Pelestarian lingkungan bersama masyarakat ini rutin diadakan perusahaan setiaptigabulansekali.(PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: Februari 8, 2022
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  • Published On: Desember 16, 2023

Representatives of TSE and the residents of Naga Village posing together following the waste clean-up in the river area in Boven Digoel, Papua, on Saturday (4/12)

BOVEN DIGOEL – Tunas Sawa Erma Group (TSE) via PT TSE provided education on environment preservation to the residents of Naga Village, Boven Digoel, Papua, on Saturday (4/12). This activity was a part of TSE’s efforts to preserve the environment and maintain the quality of water that flows the settlement by encouraging active participation of the local community.

This activity was participated by at least 20 residents of Naga Village. TSE management encouraged the residents to maintain hygiene together in the forest area and around the river.

In addition, the Manager of ISPO at TSE, Eko Nuroso also provided socialization on the types of wildlife and plants that must be protected. “There are several types of flora and fauna that we must protect together, like birds of paradise, parrots, ant plants, cat’s whiskers plants, as well as the black orchid,” he explained.

On the same occasion, the General Manager of TSE Marthen Pare stressed the importance of maintaining and preserving the living environment for the sake of the common good. “Dear brothers and sisters, we must take care of the environment we live in. Let’s take care of the forest and river. If not us, then who will? So the future generations can enjoy this beautiful nature,” he said.

The campaign activity was well received by the Naga Village community. The Clan Chief of Naga Village, Alowesius Ekoi Gembenop expressed his appreciation for the company’s involvement in the environment preservation. “As the clan chief in Naga Village, I express my gratitude to the company for encouraging us to realize the importance of protecting the environment,” he said.

Environmental campaign is not a new thing for TSE. Previously, in early November, TSE also provided education to the community of Ujungkia Village, Boven Digoel, on the importance of preserving the surrounding forest and river. The environment preservation program with this community is regularly held by the company once every three months. (PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: Desember 4, 2021
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