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Diskusi akselerasi NDPE Policy di Kantor Pusat Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, Jakarta, Jumat (22/10)

JAKARTA, 26 Oktober 2021 – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group sebagai bagian dari industri perkebunan kelapa sawit menunjukkan keseriusannya terhadap praktik keberlanjutan industri sawit. Komitmen ini ditunjukkan melalui penataan ulang kebijakan No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy beserta instrumen-instrumen implementasinya.

Dalam perumusan strategi ini, TSE Group menggandeng Yayasan Hylobates Awara (YAHYWA). YAHYWA merupakan lembaga independen yang bergerak di bidang konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, perencanaan dan pengelolaan lansekap, serta tata kelola restorasi, rehabilitasi, dan rekonsiliasi biodiversity.

Kolaborasi yang berlangsung hingga tiga tahun mendatang ini ditujukan untuk memastikan bahwa strategi dan langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dapat terukur. Harapannya, persiapan yang jauh lebih matang akan melahirkan kebijakan komprehensif, transparan dan memiliki akuntabilitas tinggi.

“Kami bersungguh-sungguh ingin memanifestasikan NDPE Policy dengan strategi manajemen yang tepat, sistematis dan terintegrasi agar semua berjalan secara sinkron dan saling terkait,” ujar Direktur TSE Group Luwy Leunufna, usai kick off meeting NDPE Policy di Kantor Pusat TSE Group di Jakarta, Jumat (22/10).

Seperti dijelaskan Luwy, TSE Group membagi proses pelaksanaan NDPE dalam empat fase. Pertama, reformulasi kebijakan baru NDPE sekaligus penyusunan time bound plan.

Empat fase pelaksanaan NDPE yang sudah dirancang TSE Group bersama YAHYWA

Kedua, merancang instrumen implementasi dan monitoring yang terdiri dari beberapa poin. Yakni, TSE-Comprehensive ESG Standard (TSE-CSS) sebagai instrumen penilaian mandiri yang melibatkan akademisi dalam proses verifikasi dan validasi. TSE-CSS berbasis pada derivasi semua aspek NDPE yang terkoneksi dengan standard sertifikasi ISPO, RSPO, ISCC, serta kriteria non sertifikasi FPCA dan SDG.

Instrumen berikutnya, TSE-Grievance Tracker yang bertujuan memastikan historikal penyelesaian keluhan terjadi secara transparan dan berakuntabilitas, Instrumen terakhir, TSE-Traceability Tracker untuk memastikan program Traceability to Plantation berjalan secara sistematis.

Setelah seluruh instrumen tersebut sudah dirancang, tahapan pelaksanaan NDPE berikutnya adalah implementasi. Semua instrumen diterapkan di lapangan secara kontinyu dan konsisten untuk mengetahui posisi TSE terhadap praktik keberlanjutan yang berbasis kebijakan NDPE.

Secara de facto, TSE telah menerapkan Stop Work Order sejak November 2016. Tapi, sejalan dengan program akselerasi ini, TSE juga akan membangun Liability Assessment dan Rencana Pemulihan sebagai bagian dari komitmen besar TSE dalam meremediasi dan mengkompensasi perubahan tutupan lahan sejak Januari 2016.

Tahapan keempat dalam rangkaian pelaksanaan NDPE yaitu monitoring dan melakukan perbaikan secara kontinyu. TSE beserta para mitranya akan melakukan pemantauan di semua level implementasi kebijakan NDPE dengan melibatkan para ahli dari kalangan akademisi.

Ke depannya, TSE Group terus bertekad membangun industri sawit berkelanjutan secara transparan. Di antaranya dengan menyediakan sistem informasi publik berupa ESG dashboard yang komprehensif serta berakuntabilitas.

Di kesempatan yang sama, lembaga YAHYWA mendukung setiap praktik keberlanjutan TSE Group, terutama terkait pelaksanaan NDPE. Seperti diketahui, NDPE merupakan skema keberlanjutan yang bersifat voluntary dan menjadi konsensus bisnis minyak sawit dunia sejak satu dasawarsa terakhir.

Dr. Rinekso Soekmadi dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang juga merupakan pakar di YAHYWA optimistis, TSE Group akan menjadi perusahaan terdepan dalam mengadopsi nilai-nilai keberlanjutan. Keyakinan ini disampaikan setelah melihat keseriusan TSE Group dalam pemenuhan Kebijakan NDPE.

“Dengan kombinasi penggunaan teknologi modern digitalisasi dan keterlibatan para Profesor dari sejumlah institusi prominen yang nanti akan langsung melakukan Verfikasi dan Validasi dari implementasi NDPE, TSE Group akan menjadi yang terdepan dan berbeda dengan beberapa perusahaan sawit nasional lainnya,” ujarnya. (pr)


Informasi Lebih Lanjut Hubungi

 Public Relations Division

By |2021-11-19T16:46:53+07:00Oktober 26, 2021|


Discussion on NDPE Policy acceleration at Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday (22/10)

JAKARTA, October 26, 2021 – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, as a part of oil palm plantation industry, showed its commitment towards sustainable practice of palm oil industry. This commitment is shown through the reorganization of No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy along with the implementation instruments.

In this strategy formulation, TSE Group teamed up with Hylobates Awara (YAHYWA) Foundation. YAHYWA is an independent institution engaged in the field of biodiversity conservation, landscape planning and management, as well as restoration governance, rehabilitation, and biodiversity reconciliation.

The collaboration, which will run for three years, is intended to ensure that the strategy and steps being carried out can be measured. It is hoped that a more developed preparation will bring out a policy that is comprehensive, transparent, and possesses high accountability.

“We really want to manifest the NDPE Policy with the proper, systematic, and integrated management strategy so everything can run in synchronous and interrelated manner,” said the Director of TSE Group Luwy Leunufna, following the kick-off meeting of NDPE Policy at TSE Group Headquarters in Jakarta, Friday (22/10).

As explained by Luwy, TSE Group divided the process of NDPE implementation into four phases. First, the reformulation of new NDPE policy and the composition of time-bound plan.

Four phases of NDPE implementation that have been designed by TSE Group and YAHYWA

Second, the designing of implementation and monitoring instruments, which consist of several points. Namely, the TSE-Comprehensive ESG Standards (TSE-CSS) as an instrument for self-assessment involving academics in the verification and validation process. TSE-CSS is based on the derivation of all aspects of NDPE, which are connected with the standard ISPO, RSPO, ISCC certifications as well as the non-certification criteria for FPCA and SDG.

The next instrument is TSE-Grievance Tracker that aims to ensure the settlement history of a complaint occurs in a transparent manner and possesses accountability. The last instrument, TSE-Traceability Tracker is meant to ensure the Traceability to Plantation program is running in a systematic way.

After the designing of all of these instruments is finished, the next NDPE phase is the implementation. All instruments will be applied in the field in continuous and consistent manner to find out TSE’s position towards the practice of sustainability based on the NDPE policy.

In de facto, TSE has implemented the Stop Work Order since November 2016. However, in line with the acceleration program, TSE will also establish Liability Assessment and Recovery Plan as part of TSE’s large commitment in remediating and compensating the change of land cover since January 2016.

The fourth stage in the series of NDPE implementation is the monitoring and continuous improvement. TSE along with its partners will conduct monitoring at all levels of NDPE policy implementation by involving academic experts.

In the future, TSE Group is determined to build a sustainable palm oil industry in a transparent manner. This includes providing a public information system in the form of ESG dashboard, which is comprehensive and accountable.

On the same occasion, YAHYWA institution supports every sustainable practice by TSE Group, especially related to the NDPE implementation. As is known, NDPE is a sustainability scheme that is voluntary and became a consensus from palm oil business in the world since the last decade.

Dr. Rinekso Soekmadi from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), who is also an expert at YAHYWA, feels optimistic that TSE Group will be the leading company in adopting the values of sustainability. This conviction was expressed after seeing TSE Group’s commitment in fulfilling NDPE Policy.

“By combining the use of digitization of modern technology and the involvement of professors from a number of prominent institutions, who will later conduct Verification and Validation of NDPE implementation, TSE Group will be at the forefront and will be distinguished from a number of other national palm oil companies,” he concluded. (pr)


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Public Relations Division

By |2021-11-24T13:43:40+07:00Oktober 26, 2021|
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