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Peduli Pendidikan, TSE Group Rutin Salurkan Alat Tulis ke Anak-anak Papua

Home/Berita TSE/Peduli Pendidikan, TSE Group Rutin Salurkan Alat Tulis ke Anak-anak Papua

JAKARTA, 3 AGUSTUS 2021 – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group selalu berupaya memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) Indonesia, terutama di Papua yang merupakan area operasional perusahaan. Salah satu dukungan yang rutin diberikan adalah pemberian alat tulis ke sekolah-sekolah di Papua.

Bantuan ditujukan untuk siswa-siswi di berbagai level pendidikan, mulai dari Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Peralatan yang diberikan bervariasi, buku tulis, buku gambar, pensil berwarna, penghapus serta penggaris.

Pimpinan Divisi Humas TSE Group Chinguk Cheong menuturkan, bantuan alat tulis dapat membantu peningkatan kapasitas pendidikan masyarakat di sekitar area operasional TSE Group. Khususnya bagi warga yang memiliki keterbatasan secara finansial untuk memberikan perlengkapan sekolah bagi anak-anak mereka.

Cheong juga berharap, sumbangan ini mampu meningkatkan semangat belajar siswa-siswi di masa pandemi Covid-19 yang membuat aktivitas belajar hanya bisa dilakukan dari rumah. “Semoga dengan alat tulis baru, anak-anak bisa semakin antusias menuntut ilmu,” ucapnya.

Kontribusi terbaru yang dilakukan TSE Group adalah menyalurkan alat tulis ke 4.500 murid yang tersebar di 36 sekolah di Merauke dan Boven Digoel, Papua, pada bulan lalu.

Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan Novi, salah seorang siswi berprestasi di lingkungan perusahaan. “Terima kasih kepada perusahaan yang telah membantu kami. Semoga ini berguna untuk kami,” ucapnya yang disambut tepuk tangan dari para guru.

Belum lama ini, TSE Group juga sempat menyerahkan bantuan alat tulis ke 48 murid SDN Persiapan di Kampung Miri, Boven Digoel. Donasi ini diberikan bersamaan dengan penyerahan bantuan honor guru di SD yang sama.

SDN Persiapan Miri merupakan salah satu sekolah yang sulit menerapkan proses pembelajaran jarak jauh atau dalam jaringan (online) di masa pandemi akibat keterbatasan akses jaringan internet. Dampaknya, kegiatan proses belajar mengajar sempat terhenti beberapa waktu.

Salah seorang guru penerima bantuan honor SDN Persiapan Miri, Teda Gembenop, menyebutkan, bantuan yang diberikan TSE Group dapat memberikan semangat lebih kepada tenaga pendidikan maupun para murid. “Dengan bantuan ini, anak-anak akan terdorong untuk lebih giat sekolah demi meraih cita-cita masa depan mereka yang lebih baik,” tuturnya.

Bantuan alat tulis merupakan bagian dari Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) TSE Group di bidang pendidikan. Program ini rutin dilakukan TSE Group melalui tiga anak perusahaannya, PT TSE, PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) dan PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP).

Komitmen kepedulian TSE Group di sektor pendidikan tidak hanya ditunjukkan melalui bantuan perlengkapan sekolah kepada murid di pedalaman. Perusahaan kerap menyerahkan beasiswa ke anak-anak tuan dusun, bantuan honor kepada para guru hingga penyediaan fasilitas bus sekolah. Rangkaian program ini merupakan bentuk wujud kepedulian perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar area perusahaan. (pr)

Sumber : Investor Daily

Published On: Agustus 5, 2021
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JAKARTA – As many as 4,500 students from 36 schools spread in Merauke and Boven Digoel, Papua received a donation of stationery from a palm oil company, Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group. This donation activity is an effort to provide a positive contribution in order to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in Indonesia, especially in Papua, which is the company’s operational area.

The donation was provided for students at various levels of education, from level of Early Childhood Education to High School. The stationery provided varies from notebooks, drawing books, colored pencils, erasers, and rulers.

“The stationery donation could help increase the educational capacity of the community living around TSE Group’s operational area. Especially for those with limited financial resources to provide school supplies for their children,” said the Head of Public Relations Division at TSE Group, Chinguk Cheong, as quoted by Investor Daily from a written statement, Wednesday (3/8/2021).

Cheong also hoped the donation could encourage the students’ enthusiasm in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes the learning activities only possible to do at home. “I hope with this new stationery, children can be more enthusiastic to study,” he mentioned.

Novi, one of the outstanding students living in the company area expressed her gratitude for the donation. “Thank you to the company for helping us. Hopefully we will find them useful,” she said, followed by an applause from the teachers.

Not long ago, TSE Group also donated stationery to 48 elementary school students at SDN Persiapan in Miri Village, Boven Digoel. This donation was handed over along with the honorarium assistance to teachers at the same elementary school.

SDN Persiapan Miri is one of the schools experiencing difficulties in implementing distance learning or online learning during the pandemic due to the lack of access to the internet. As a result, teaching and learning activities were halted for some time.

One of the teachers who received the honorarium at SDN Persiapan Miri, Teda Gembenop, said that the assistance provided by TSE Group would be able to bring up the enthusiasm in the education staff and students. “With this assistance, the children will be encouraged to study more actively in order to reach their dreams for a better future,” he conveyed.

Donation of stationery is a part of TSE Group’s Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) in education. This program is regularly carried out by TSE Group through its three subsidiaries, PT TSE, PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA), and PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP).

“TSE Group’s commitment in education was not only shown through the donation of school supplies to the students in remote areas. The company often provides scholarships to the children of the landowners, honorarium assistance to the teachers, and the provision of school buses. This series of programs is a form of the company’s concern for the welfare of the community living around the company area,” Cheong revealed. (nan)

Source : Investor Daily

Published On: Agustus 5, 2021
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