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TSE Group Gelar Bakti Sosial Di Pedalaman Papua

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Tim TSE A berfoto bersama dengan masyarakat Kampung Butiptiri, Distrik Jair, Kabupaten Boven Digoel, Papua, usai acara bakti sosial, Senin (23/5). (Foto: TSE Group)  Rakyat Merdeka – Guyuran hujan selama perjalanan dengan transportasi air tak mematahkan semangat tim medis dari PT Tunas Sawa Erma A (TSE A) dalam melaksanakan kegiatan rutin bulanannya di Papua. Mereka merupakan tim salah satu anak perusahaan TSE Group yang berjumpa dengan masyarakat pedalaman Papua, tepatnya di Kampung Butiptiri, Distrik Jair, Kabupaten Boven Digoel, Senin (23/5).

Bagaikan mama yang merindukan anaknya, jadi kiasan yang tepat untuk menggambarkan kesan ketika tim tiba di lokasi. Pihak perusahaan bersama tim medis disambut dengan tangan terbuka masyarakat Kampung Butiptiri yang ingin mengikuti acara bakti sosial berupa pemeriksaan dan penyuluhan kesehatan oleh dr Rizky dari klinik TSE A terkait pencegahan kematian bayi, ibu  dan anak.

Pencegahan kematian bayi, ibu  dan anak menjadi salah satu dari delapan program prioritas dalam upaya meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya di pedalaman Papua yang dijalankan TSE Group. Kedelapan program tersebut mencakup penurunan angka kematian ibu hamil, ibu melahirkan, dan bayi baru lahir melalui peningkatan kesehatan ibu, balita dan Keluarga Berencana (KB).

Foto : Seorang warga mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesehatan oleh tim dari PT Tunas Sawa Erma A

Tidak hanya itu, kegiatan lainnya juga dilakukan. Seperti penyuluhan perbaikan status gizi masyarakat, pengendalian penyakit baik menular dan tidak menular, diikuti penyehatan lingkungan, pengembangan Sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), penanggulangan bencana dan krisis kesehatan, peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan primer, peningkatan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan nyaman, serta pemberdayaan masyarakat agar fokus dalam meningkatkan sumber daya manusia yang profesional.

Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) sebagai wujud kepedulian perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Pemeriksaan kesehatan masyarakat ini telah melayani lebih dari 50 pasien, yang terdiri dari dewasa, orang tua, sampai anak usia dini.

Di sela kegiatan tersebut, pihak perusahaan juga mengadakan demo masak bersama masyarakat yang juga merupakan kegiatan rutin dalam komunikasi bulanan. Demo masak bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan cita rasa masakan tradisional khas masyarakat Papua.

Persiapan demo masak bersama warga

Tim menempuh perjalanan dengan transportasi air

“Masyarakat sangat berterima kasih kepada pihak perusahaan. Mudah-mudahan bisa berjalan terus. Tahun lalu tidak bisa berjumpa, tapi akhirnya kita bisa dapat bertemu kembali,” ucap Robernus, Sekretaris Kampung Butiptiri, seperti keterangan yang diterima redaksi, Rabu (25/5).

Kegiatan yang berjalan penuh keakraban di antara pihak perusahaan dengan masyarakat. Kegiatan ditutup dengan acara makan bersama dan salam perpisahan dari pihak perusahaan.■


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Published On: Mei 25, 2022
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The TSE A team took a group photo with the people of Butiptiri Village, Jair District, Boven Digoel Regency, Papua, after the social service event, Monday (23/5). (Photo: TSE Group)  Rakyat Merdeka – The pouring rain during a trip by water transportation did not break the spirit of the medical team from PT Tunas Sawa Erma A (TSE A) in carrying out their monthly task in Papua. They are a team from one of the subsidiaries of TSE Group, who  met with the Papuan community, in Butiptiri Village, Jair District, Boven Digoel Regency on Monday (23/5).

Like a mother who misses her child is the right expression to describe the impression when the team arrived at the location. The company and the medical team were welcomed with open arms by the community of Butiptiri Village who wanted to participate in the social service event in the form of health examination and counseling by Dr. Rizky from TSE A clinic on the prevention of maternal, child, and infant mortality.

Prevention of maternal, child, and infant mortality is one of the eight priority programs in efforts to improve the health of communities, especially the one in remota Papua, which is carried out by TSE Group. The eight programs include reducing the mortality rate of pregnant women, women in labor, and newborns by improving the health of mothers and toddlers, as well as Family Planning (KB).

Photo: A resident receiving health examination by a team from PT Tunas Sawa Erma A

Not only that, they also held other activities, such as counseling on the improvement of the community nutritional status, the control of both infectious and non-infectious diseases, followed by environmental sanitation, the development of the National Health Insurance (JKN) Scheme, disaster management and health crisis, improvement of primary health services, improvement of safe and comfortable working environment, as well as community empowerment in order to put focus on improving proessional human resources.

This activity is part of the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program as a realization of the company’s concern for the welfare and health of the community. The community health examination has served more than 50 patients consisting of adults, the elderly, and early childhood.

During the activity, the company also conducted cooking demonstration with the community which is also a routine activity in monthly communication event. The cooking demonstration aimed to introduce the culture of traditional Papuan cuisine.

Preparation of cooking demonstration with residents

The team traveled by water transportation

“The community is very grateful to the company. I hope this can continue on. We weren’t able to meet last year, but finally we can see each other again,” said Robernus, the Butiptiri Village Secretary, on a statement received by the editorial, Wednesday (25/5).

The event filled with closeness between the company and the community. The event ended with a joint meal and a farewell greetings from the company.■


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Published On: Mei 23, 2022
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