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TSE Group Gelar Wisuda AKPY untuk Pemuda Asli Papua

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FOTO: Tiga putra asli Papua yang mendapatkan bantuan pendidikan dari TSE Group merayakan kelulusannya di Kantor Pusat TSE Group, Papua, Sabtu (16/10)

BOVEN DIGOEL — Tunas Sawa Erma Group (TSE Group) menggelar wisuda untuk tiga mahasiswa Ahli Pratama lulusan Program Studi Pemeliharaan Kelapa Sawit Akademik Komunitas Perkebunan Stiper Yogyakarta (AKPY Stiper). Prosesi wisuda yang merupakan hasil kerjasama antara TSE Group dengan AKPY ini dilaksanakan di Kantor TSE Group, Boven Digoel, Papua, pada Sabtu (16/10).

Tiga pemuda Papua yang merayakan kelulusannya hari itu adalah Simon Gembenop, Juventus JD dan Antonius Aute. Sementara Simon dan Juventus merupakan putra daerah dari area operasional PT TSE, Antonius berasal dari daerah operasional PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) yang merupakan bagian usaha dari TSE Group. Ketiganya berhasil menyelesaikan studinya berkat dukungan penuh berupa bantuan finansial dan material yang diberikan oleh TSE Group.

Para wisudawan turut ditemani orang tua/wali masing-masing. Perwakilan dari TSE Group dan AKPY Stiper juga hadir untuk memberikan selamat kepada Simon, Juventus dan Antonius.

Prosesi wisuda dipimpin oleh Direktur Departemen Perencanaan Terpadu (DPT) TSE Group Dwiana. Sebagai simbol kelulusan, ia memindahkan tali toga para wisudawan.

Dwiana juga memberikan selamat dan harapan kepada para wisudawan yang telah sukses menempuh pendidikannya di AKPY Stiper.

“Semoga ilmu yang didapatkan dapat dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan secara maksimal. Terima kasih juga kepada para orang tua/wali karena sudah memiliki anak yang berprestasi,” ujarnya.

Dalam sambutannya, Dwiana juga mengajak para wisudawan untuk tetap menerapkan soft skill yang didapatkan selama masa kuliah. Khususnya sikap disiplin yang merupakan kunci untuk bisa bersaing.

“Jangan kalah dengan kawan di luar Papua. Dengan disiplin, kita bisa meraih apapun,”tutur Dwiana.

Ucapan terima kasih mendalam disampaikan oleh Simon. Terlebih khusus untuk TSE Group yang sudah memberikan kesempatan kepadanya untuk menempuh pendidikan tinggi di AKPY Stiper.

“Saya berharap ke depannya bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi dan semoga apa yang saya dapatkan di kampus bisa saya terapkan di dalam pekerjaan saya sesuai materi yang saya pelajari,” ungkap Simon

Ucapan bangga dan kebahagiaan turut diutarakan orang tua wisudawan.

“Saya sebagai orang tua merasa bangga, dan kami sangat berterima kasih sekali kepada perusahaan karena sudah membiayai anak kami hingga mengikuti pendidikan di Yogyakarta. Saya berharap kepada anak-anak, agar ilmu yang didapatkan dapat diterapkan kembali di tempat ini (TSE Group),” ucap Wihelmus, orang tua dari salah satu wisudawan

Dukungan TSE Group terhadap tiga Simon, Juventus dan Antonius tidak berhenti sampai di sini. Perusahaan akan secara langsung merekrut mereka sebagai tenaga kerja di area operasonal.

Tercatat, selama tiga tahun terakhir TSE Group telah menyerap lebih dari 2.400 tenaga kerja Orang Asli Papua (OAP). Mereka tersebar di berbagai perusahaan, dari PT TSE, PT BCA dan PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP) yang seluruhnya bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit dan beroperasi di Kabupaten Merauke serta Boven Digoel, Papua.(*)

Published On: Oktober 16, 2021
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  • Published On: Desember 28, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 20, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 16, 2023

PHOTO: Three indigenous Papuan youth who received educational assistance from TSE Group celebrating their graduation at TSE Group Headquarters, Papua, Saturday (16/10)

BOVEN DIGOEL — Tunas Sawa Erma Group (TSE Group) held a graduation ceremony for three First Degree Diploma students from Oil Palm Maintenance Program of Plantation Community Academy of Yogyakarta Stiper (AKPY Stiper). The graduation procession, which is the fruit of cooperation between TSE Group and AKPY, was held in the TSE Group Office, Boven Digoel, Papua, on Saturday (16/10).

The three Papuans celebrating their graduation were Simon Gembenop, Juventus JD, and Antonius Aute. While Simon and Juventus came from PR TSE operational area, Antonius came from operational area of PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA), which is a part of TSE Group’s subsidiaries. The three men managed to finish their studies due to the full support in the form of financial and material assistance provided by TSE Group.

The graduates were also accompanied by their respective parents/guardians. Representatives of TSE Group and AKPY Stiper were also present to congratulate Simon, Juventus, and Antonius.

The graduation procession was led by the Director of Integrated Planning Department (DPT) of TSE Group, Dwiana. As a symbol of graduation, he moved the tassels on the graduates’ caps to the other side.

Dwiana also expressed congratulations and a message of hope to the graduates who have successfully fulfilled their education in AKPY Stiper.

“I hope the knowledge you gained can be utilized and developed to the fullest. Also, thank you to the parents/guardians for raising high-achieving children,” he said.

In his speech, Dwiana also encouraged the graduates to continue to implement the soft skills they obtained during their study period. In particular, the disciplined manner, which is the key to be able to compete.

“Don’t let yourselves lose out to others outside Papua. With disciplined manner, we can achieve anything,” said Dwiana.

A deep gratitude was conveyed by Simon. Especially for TSE Group for giving him the opportunity to pursue higher education in AKPY Stiper.

“I hope I can be even better in the future and hopefully what I have obtained in college can be applied in my work in accordance with the subject studied,” Simon uttered.

Proud wishes and happiness were also expressed by the graduates’ parents.

“As a parent, I feel proud, and we are very grateful for the company for providing funds for our child to pursue education in Yogyakarta. I hope the children can use the knowledge they gained and apply it back here (TSE Group),” said Wihelmus, a parent of one of the graduates.

TSE Group’s support for Simon, Juventus and Antonius does not stop here. The company will directly hire them as workers in the operational area.

As noted, in the last three years, TSE Group has absorbed more than 2,400 indigenous Papuans (OAP) as labors. They are spread in various companies, from PT TSE, PT BCA and PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP), which all of them are engaged in the field of oil palm plantations and are operating in Merauke and Boven Digoel Regencies, Papua.(*)

Published On: Oktober 16, 2021
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  • Published On: Desember 28, 2023
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  • Published On: Desember 16, 2023
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