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TSE Group Bantu Percepatan Vaksinasi di Boven Digoel

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Foto: Proses pemeriksaan kesehatan tahap awal dalam program vaksinasi yang diadakan TSE dengan Pemkab Boven Digoel, Selasa (2/9)

Jumlah vaksin yang disalurkan untuk wilayah TSE mencapai 900 dosis, dari total 2.750 dosis yang sudah disediakan untuk beberapa wilayah di Boven Digoel. Vaksinasi Covid-19 merupakan salah satu program prioritas pemerintah pusat maupun daerah saat ini yang bertujuan menciptakan kekebalan kelompok (herd immunity), sehingga masyarakat bisa lebih produktif di tengah pandemi.

Manager Umum Personalia TSE Martin Pare mengimbau kepada peserta vaksinasi untuk tetap disiplin melakukan protokol kesehatan meskipun sudah mendapatkan vaksin. “Jangan lupa untuk memakai masker, menjaga jarak, menjauhi kerumunan dan mencuci tangan,” ucapnya.

Kegiatan vaksinasi yang merupakan hasil kerja sama TSE dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Boven Digoel ini menyasar berbagai kelompok masyarakat. Di antaranya para pekerja, pelajar 12 tahun ke atas, guru, ibu hamil, lanjut usia (lansia) hingga pelayan publik yang belum mendapatkan vaksinasi tahap pertama.

Proses vaksinasi diadakan di salah satu klinik milik TSE Group yang berlokasi di Camp-19. Sebelumnya, perusahaan juga sempat mengadakan dua kegiatan vaksinasi yang juga ditujukan untuk warga Boven Digoel.

Sebelum memulai kegiatan vaksinasi, pihak manajemen bersama Pemkab Boven Digoel membagikan masker kepada peserta terlebih dahulu. Selanjutnya, tenaga medis melakukan tahapan screening sekaligus memberikan arahan menganai alur vaksinasi.

Salah seorang dokter di Klinik TSE, Riski, menjelaskan, kegiatan vaksinasi ditujukan untuk membantu memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19. “Harapan kita bersama, semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir, baik di Papua, Indonesia, hingga ke seluruh dunia,” katanya.

Masyarakat menyambut baik dan bersemangat mengikuti kegiatan vaksinasi, termasuk Ardi Firmansyah, yang juga seorang guru di SMK Negeri Satap (Satu Atap) Terintegrasi Kelas Camp 19. Ia mengungkapkan apresiasi mendalamnya kepada TSE dan pemerintah daerah yang sudah memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengakses vaksin Covid-19.

Ardi berharap, program vaksinasi bisa semakin diperluas untuk menjangkau banyak masyarakat, terutama anak-anak. “Semoga kegiatan ini bisa berjalan dengan baik, agar seluruh siswa-siswi kami dapat tervaksin dan dapat melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar secara tatap muka seperti biasa,” ucap Ardi. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 7, 2021
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Photo: Early health screening during vaccination program held by TSE and Boven Digoel Regency Government, Tuesday (2/9)

BOVEN DIGOEL, September 6, 2021 – Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group through PT TSE provides a health facility for the Covid-19 vaccination program for people in Boven Digoel, Papua, Thursday (2/9). TSE’s involvement is proof of the company’s efforts to assist the local government’s programs, including acceleration of vaccine distribution.

The number of vaccines distributed to TSE area reached 900 doses, out of 2,750 doses already provided to several regions in Boven Digoel. Covid-19 vaccination is one of the priority programs from the central and local government that aims to create heard immunity, so people can be more productive during the pandemic.

General Manager of Personnel Department at TSE, Martin Pare encouraged the vaccination participants to remain disciplined in complying with health protocols even though they have received the vaccines. “Don’t forget to wear masks, keep your distance, avoid crowds, and wash your hands,” he said.

The vaccination activity, which was a result of collaboration between TSE and Boven Digoel Regency Government, targeted various community groups. These include workers, students aged 12 years old and over, teachers, pregnant women, elderly, to public servants who have not received the first stage of vaccination.

The vaccination process was held at one of the clinics owned by TSE Group located in Camp-19. Previously, the company also held two vaccination activities for Boven Digoel residents.

Before the vaccination process began, the management together with the Boven Digoel Regency Government distributed masks to the participants. The medical personnel then carried out screening process as well as provided a brief on the vaccination flow.

One of the doctors at TSE Clinic, Riski, explained that the vaccination activity is intended to help break the chain of Covid-19 transmission. “Our hope is that the pandemic will end soon, in Papua, in Indonesia, and throughout the world,” he said.

The public welcomed and participated in the vaccination activity with enthusiasm, including Ardi Firmansyah, who is also a teacher at Integrated Class of Camp-19 of One-Roof Vocational State School (SMK Negeri Satap). He expressed a deep appreciation to TSE and the local government for providing ease to access the Covid-19 vaccine.

Ardi hoped that the vaccination program could be expanded to reach many people, especially children. “Hopefully this activity can run well, so that all of our students can get vaccinated and be able to join face-to-face learning activities as usual,” Ardi concluded. (Besse Sarifa Innong/ PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: September 7, 2021
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