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TSE Salurkan Beasiswa ke 302 Anak Tuan Dusun Papua

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Foto: Foto bersama perwakilan Manajemen PT TSE-B dengan para penerima beasiswa di Boven Digoel, Papua, Sabtu (12/6)


BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma-B (TSE-B), bagian dari TSE Group, menyalurkan beasiswa senilai Rp 331 juta ke 302 anak-anak tuan dusun di Boven Digoel, Papua, pada Sabtu (12/6). Pemberian santunan ini dibarengi dengan pemberian masker kepada sejumlah masyarakat yang belum memiliki.

Manager Umum TSE-B Sun Man Kim menuturkan, penyaluran beasiswa ditujukan untuk anak-anak tuan dusun yang duduk di bangku SD hingga perguruan tinggi. Ia berharap, bantuan pendidikan yang diberikan perusahaan dapat membantu mereka untuk menggapai cita-cita. “Dengan begitu, anak-anak bisa membangun Papua menjadi lebih baik,” tutur Kim saat memberikan sambutan.

Peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Papua sudah lama menjadi prioritas kontribusi sosial TSE Group kepada masyarakat. Sepanjang 2020, kontribusi TSE Group untuk bantuan beasiswa kepada siswa di area operasional perusahaan di Boven Digoel dan Merauke, Papua, mencapai Rp 955 juta, naik dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, Rp 681 juta.

Tren peningkatan nilai kontribusi tersebut menggambarkan bahwa perhatian perusahaan terhadap pendidikan terus meningkat. Pada tahun ini, TSE Group juga akan menambah kuota penerima beasiswa perguruan tinggi di Institut Pertanian Stiper (Instiper) Yogyakarta. Seleksi beasiswa kini dapat diikuti putra-putri daerah Boven Digoel dan Merauke, dari yang sebelumnya hanya ditujukan untuk putra-putri pemilik hak ulayat.

Perluasan cakupan penerima beasiswa ini diharapkan dapat membantu peningkatan kualitas generasi muda Papua. Dampak selanjutnya, mereka bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan dan pendapatan yang layak sehingga kesejahteraan mereka dan masyarakat setempat bisa semakin terjamin

Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Boven Digoel Matias Kainon berharap, TSE Group dapat terus memperluas kontribusinya di sektor pendidikan. “Bantuan bisa dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan ke masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan. Dengan begitu, lebih banyak anak-anak yang merasakan dampaknya,” ucapnya.

Pemberian beasiswa merupakan satu dari sejumlah program tanggung jawab sosial TSE Group di sektor pendidikan. Nilai kontribusi TSE Group untuk sektor ini mencapai Rp 4,1 miliar pada tahun lalu.

Selain memberikan beasiswa, TSE Group terlibat aktif dalam pembangunan prasarana pendidikan, pembelian perlengkapan pendidikan hingga penyediaan sarana transportasi sekolah. Sekitar 42 unit bangunan sekolah dan 14 bus sekolah telah disediakan untuk siswa di pedalaman Papua.

TSE Group turut memberikan perhatian besar terhadap tenaga pengajar di pedalaman. Hal ini terlihat dari pemberian subsidi guru yang sebesar Rp 2,4 miliar pada 2020, bertambah dibandingkan yang diberikan pada 2019, yakni Rp 1,7 miliar.

Kontribusi yang diberikan TSE Group ini merupakan bagian dari wujud kepedulian dan kontribusi perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekaligus mempererat hubungan dan silaturahmi keduanya. (*)

Published On: Juni 24, 2021
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Photo: Photo with representatives management of PT TSE-B with the scholarship recipients in Digoel, Papua, on Saturday (12/6)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma-B (TSE-B), a part of TSE Group, distributed scholarships worth of Rp 331 million to 302 children of landowners in Boven Digoel, Papua, Saturday (12/6). The fund distribution was carried out alongside the provision of masks to a number of people who haven’t owned one.

The General Manager of TSE-B, Sunman Kim said that the scholarship distribution was provided to the landowners’ children who are studying at elementary school level to college level. He hoped that the education assistance given by the company can help them achieve their goals. “That way, the children can build a better Papua,” Kim expressed in his speech.

Improving the quality of human resources (SDM) in Papua has long been a priority of TSE Group’s social contribution to society. Throughout 2020, TSE Group’s contribution in scholarship assistance for students living in the company’s operational area in Boven Digoel and Merauke, Papua, reached Rp 955 million, an increase compared to that in the previous year, namely Rp 681 million.

The trend of the increasing contribution value shows that the company’s attention to education continues to rise. This year, TSE Group will also increase the quota of recipients for university scholarship at the Stiper Agricultural Institute (Instiper) Yogyakarta. The scholarship selection can now be applied to by children in Boven Digoel and Merauke regions, where it was previously only intended for children of customary rights owners.

The expansion of the scope of scholarship recipients is expected to help improve the skills of the young generation in Papua. As a further result, they will be able to secure a decent job and income so their welfare and that of the local community can be guaranteed.

The Head of the Education and Culture Office of Boven Digoel, Matias Kainon, who was also present at the event, hoped that TSE Group could continue to expand its contribution toward the education sector. “The aid toward the community around the company can be maintained and increased. That way, more children will feel the impact,” he said.

The scholarship provision is one of several social responsibility programs of TSE Group in education sector. The value of TSE Group’s contribution to this sector reached Rp 4.1 billion last year.

In addition to providing scholarships, TSE Group is actively involved in building educational infrastructure, purchasing educational equipment, and providing school transportation facilities. Approximately 42 school buildings and 14 school buses have been provided for students in the remote areas of Papua.

TSE Group also pays great attention to teachers in remote areas. This can be seen from the provision of teacher subsidies reaching Rp 2.4 billion in 2020, an increase from that provided in 2019, which was Rp 1.7 billion.

The contribution given by TSE Group is part of the company’s concern and service toward the community’s welfare while also serves as a way to strengthen the relationship and ties between the company and the community. (*)

Published On: Juni 24, 2021
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