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TSE Bangun Kampung Miri Melalui Program CSC Bulanan

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Perwakilan TSE Group mengajak anak-anak Kampung Miri bermain dan bernyanyi bersama dalam acara komunikasi bulanan, Sabtu (30/10)

BOVEN DIGOEL– PT Tunas Sawa Erma(TSE) berupaya mengambil peran dalam pembangunan Kampung Miri, Boven Digoel, Papua. Kontribusi ini dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan acara komunikasi bulanan pada Sabtu (30/10). Tidak sekadar berdialog, dalam acara tersebut, manajemen TSE juga mengajak warga setempat untuk bersama-sama membahas program tanggung jawab sosial di tahun mendatang serta menyerahkan bantuan untuk guru honorer.

Kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan kedua kalinya di Kampung Miri ini menjadi salah satu bagian dari tanggung jawab sosial atau Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) TSE. Manajer Humas TSE Sutisna berharap, rutinitas bulanan ini dapat meningkatkan tali persaudaraan antara perusahaan dengan warga sekitar.

Di sisi lain, acara komunikasi bulanan juga ditujukan untuk menjadi wadah diskusi yang interaktif bagi kedua belah pihak. “Kami berharap, dengan adanya masukan yang membangun, dapat mewakili program-program yang nantinya akan berjalan,” ujar Sutisna.

Selain mengajak partisipasi masyarakat dewasa, kegiatan komunikasi bulanan turut melibatkan anak-anak melalui kegiatan permainan edukatif. Di sisi lain, para ibu diajak untuk masak bersama. Hasil racikan mereka disantap bersama di akhir kegiatan.

Kepedulian TSE terhadap warga Kampung Miri juga ditunjukkan melalui pemberian bantuan terhadap empat guru honorer SD Persiapan Negeri Miri. Bantuan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan para tenaga pendidik, terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19.

Kepala Sekolah SD Persiapan Negeri Miri Lambertus Takerop sangat mengapresiasi rangkaian kontribusi yang diberikan perusahaan kepada guru honorer. “Semoga bantuan yang diterima ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mereka berempat agar lebih bersemangat lagi dalam menjalankantugas sebagai tenaga pendidik,” ucapnya,

Mengingat pandemi belum usai,TSE membagikan masker kepada masyarakat. Imbauan untuk selalu mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga terus diberikan.

Foto bersama dengan warga di kampung Miri pada Sabtu (30/10)


Dialog pembahasan program rencana kerja dengan warga kampung Miri

Kepedulian tinggi rutin ditunjukkan TSE terhadap masyarakat di sekitar area perusahaan. Sebelumnya, TSE sempat menyelenggarakan komunikasi bulanan yang dibarengi dengan bakti sosial kesehatan di Kampung Ujungkia, Boven Digoel. Kegiatan ini menjadi wujud kepedulian dan kontribusi perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekaligus mempererat hubungan kedua belah pihak.(pr)

Published On: Oktober 30, 2021
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Representatives of TSE Group engaging children from Miri Village to play and sing together in monthly communication event, Saturday (30/10)

BOVEN DIGOEL – PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) always seeks to play a role in the development of Miri Village, Boven Digoel, Papua. This contribution was made through the monthly communication event on Saturday (30/10). Not only in the form of dialogue, TSE’s management also invited the local residents to join the discussion on the social responsibility program for the coming year while also providing assistance to honorry teachers.

The activity, which was held for the second time in Miri Village, was a part of TSE’s social responsibility or Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program. The Manager of Public Relations at TSE Sutisna hopes that this monthly program can increase the kinship between the company and its surrounding community.

On the other hand, the monthly communication event was also intended to be an interactive discussion platform for both parties. “We hope that the constructive feedback can represent programs that will run,” Sutisna said.

In addition to inviting the participation of the adults, the monthly communication event also involved the children through the activities of educational games. Meanwhile, the mothers were invited to cook together. The dishes they made were enjoyed together at the end of the event.

TSE’s concern towards the residents of Miri Village was also shown through the assistance provision to four teachers at the SD Persiapan Negeri Miri. This assistance is expected to improve the welfare of the educators, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Principal of SD Persiapan Negeri Miri Lambertus Takerop expressed his deep appreciation for the series of contributions given by the company to the honorary teachers. “Hopefully the donation provided can be beneficial for four of them to bring out more enthusiasm in carrying out their duties as educators,” he uttered.

Since the pandemic is not yet over, TSE distributed masks to the community. An encouragement to always adhere to health protocol was also provided.

Joint photo with residents of Miri Village, Saturday (30/10)


A dialogue on a working plan program with the residents of Miri Village


A deep concern is always shown by TSE to the community located around the company area. Previously, TSE held a monthly communication event coupled with a health social service in Ujungkia Village, Boven Digoel. This activity is the company’s form of concern and contribution for the welfare of the community as well as to strengthen relationship between the two parties. (pr)

Published On: Oktober 30, 2021
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