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PT Dongin Prabhawa Beri Layanan Kesehatan dan Obat Gratis ke Warga Kampung Amk

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Dokter Angga dari Klinik Dongin Prabhawa Periksa Warga Kampung Amk pada Kamis (11/11)

MAPPI – PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP), bagian dari Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, kembali menyelenggarakan kegiatan bakti sosial kesehatan masyarakat di Kampung Amk, distrik Yakomi, Kabupaten Mappi, Papua, Kamis (11/11). Program Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian TSE Group terhadap kesehatan warga di sekitar area perusahaan.

Manajemen perusahaan menyediakan dokter dan perawat yang memeriksa seluruh warga Kampung Amk, mulai dari anak-anak, orang dewasa, hingga lanjut usia (lansia). Selain itu, obat yang dibutuhkan pasien juga diberikan secara gratis. Perusahaan turut membagikan masker dan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat karena kegiatan dilakukan di masa pandemi Covid-19.

Dokter Angga selaku dokter dari klinikDongin Prabhawa menyampaikan, rata-rata gejala dan sakit yang diderita masyarakat Kampung Amk yaitu Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas (ISPA) atau sesak nafas, darah tinggi, dan penyakit kulit.

“Dari hasil pemeriksaan, didapatkan bahwa penyebab anak-anak dibawah umur bisa mengalami gejala ISPA, karena terpapar oleh asap rokok, saya sarankan kepada bapak-bapak untuk tidak merokok didalam rumah ataupun dekat dengan anak-anak,” katanya.

Kepedulian TSE terhadap kesehatan warga Kampung Amk disambut baik oleh masyarakat setempat. Kepala Kampung Amk, Charles Mahuze Kamuyen, mengucapkan terima kasih banyak atas pelayanan kesehatan dokter dan perawat di kampung Amk.

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada PT Dongin Prabhawa dan juga humas yang bekerja sama dengan dokter dari klinik perusahaan yang sudah mau hadir di kampung kami ini,” ucapnya

Kegiatan bakti sosial kesehatan dilakukan secara rutin oleh TSE Group sebagai bentuk kepeduliantinggi perusahaan terhadap masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar area perusahaan. Sebelumnya, kegiatan serupa telah diadakan di beberapa kampung, termasuk Tagaepe, Nakias, Salamepe, dan terakhir di Banamepe. (pr)

Published On: November 11, 2021
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Doctor Angga from Dongin Prabhawa Clinic Examining a Resident from Amk Village, Thursday (11/11)

MAPPI – PT Dongin Prabhawa (DP), a part of Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, once again held a public health social service activity in Amk Village, Yakomi District, Mappi Regency, Papua, Thursday (11/11). This Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) program is TSE Group’s concern for the health of residents living around the company area.

The company management provided doctors and nurses to examine all Amk Village residents, from children, adults, to the elderly. In addition, the medicines needed by the patients were also given for free. The company also distributed masks and maintained strict health protocol because the activity was held during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Doctor Angga as the doctor from Dongin Prabhawa Clinic said that the average symptoms and pain suffered by the residents of Amk Village were Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) or shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and skin diseases.

“From the results of the examination, it was found that underage children were suffering from URTI symptoms caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. I suggest the gentlemen not to smoke inside the house or near the children,” he explained.

TSE’s concern for the health of Amk Village residents was welcomed by the local community. The Head of Amk Village, Charles Mahuze Kamuyen, expressed his gratitude for the health services provided by the doctors and nurses in Amk Village.

“I thank PT Dongin Prabhawa and the public relations team who have worked together with the doctors from the company clinic for coming to our village,” he said.

The health social service activity is carried out regularly by TSE Group as a deep concern from the company towards the people living around the company area. Previously, similar activities have been held in several villages, including Tagaepe, Nakias, Salamepe, and the latest was held in Banamepe. (pr)

Published On: November 11, 2021
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