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PT Berkat Cipta Abadi Berikan Bantuan Transportasi Air untuk Masyarakat Pedalaman Papua

Home/Berita TSE/PT Berkat Cipta Abadi Berikan Bantuan Transportasi Air untuk Masyarakat Pedalaman Papua

FOTO: Foto bersama kegiatan penyerahan bantuan oleh Manajemen PT. Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) dengan warga perwakilan kampung Aiwat dan Subur

ASIKI, 4 April 2022 –Salah satu perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang beroperasi di wilayah Papua, PT. Berkat Cipta Abadi (PT. BCA)menyalurkan bantuan sosial kepada masyarakat kampung Aiwat dan Subur, Asiki, Kab. Boven Digoel, Papua (25/3). Bantuan sosial yang diberikan berupa 2 unit transportasi fiber boat dan mesin Yamaha 40 PK. Pemberian bantuan ditujukan untuk melancarkan segala aktivitas masyarakat di kedua kampung tersebut.

Bantuan ini merupakan bagian dari program Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) PT. BCA sebagai wujud kepedulian perusahaan terhadap kebutuhan transportasi masyarakat.

Rangkaian acara diawali dengan sambutan oleh Mr. Kim Tae Soo selaku Manajer Umum PT. BCA. “Pada hari ini kami menyerahkan 2 unit fiber boat dan mesin Yamaha 40 PK. Tujuan penyerahan bantuan ini agar dapat lebih melancarkan aktivitas usaha masyakarat,” ujar Mr. Kim. Perusahaan juga berharap dengan adanya bantuan ini dapat menunjang kegiatan ekonomi masyakat kampung Aiwat dan Subur.

Kegiatan acara dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan berita acara serah terima unit fiber boat dan mesin Yamaha 40 PK oleh Pius Kanduga selaku kepala wilayah Kampung Aiwat dan Stanislaus W. Mahuze selaku kepala wilayah Kampung Subur. Proses penyerahan juga disaksikan oleh masyarakat, pimpinan distrik, kapolsek, dan manajemen dari PT. BCA. Selain itu, proses uji coba pengoperasian mesin fiber boat juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakannya. Kegiatan ini disambut baik oleh masyarakat dan mereka sangat antusias menikmatinya.

Kepala wilayah Kampung Subur, Bapak Stanislaus W. Mahuze mengucapkan terima kasih kepadaPT. BCA yang telah mewujudkan harapan masyarakat untuk dapat memiliki transportasi air. “Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada PT. BCA atas bantuan transportasi fiber boat dan mesin Yamaha untuk kampung Aiwat dan Subur,” kata Stanislaus W. Mahuze dalam sambutannya.

Perwakilan masyarakat dari distrik Subur, Charles Maborokturut memberikan ucapan terima kasih. Ia meyakini bantuan tersebut akan memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat di distrik kampung Aiwat dan Subur.

Kegiatan yang dilakukan tersebut tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan demi menjaga keamanan dari penularan virus Covid-19. Semua peserta yang hadir juga menggunakan masker dan menjaga jarak. Acara tersebut diakhiri dengan makan bersama para peserta yang hadir.(PR TSE Group)

Suasana Acara

Sambutan dari Mr. Kim Tae Soo selaku Manajer Umum PT. Berkat Cipta Abadi

Penyerahan 2 unit fiber boat dan mesin Yamaha 40 PK kepada kepala wilayah kampung Aiwat

Suasana uji coba 2 unit fiber boat

Published On: April 6, 2022
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Photo: Joint photo at assistance delivery by the management of PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (BCA) with the community representatives of Aiwat and Subur Villages

ASIKI, April 4, 2022 – One of the oil palm plantation companies operating in Papua, PT Berkat Cipta Abadi (PT BCA) distributed social assistance to the community of Aiwat and Subur Villages, Asiki, Boven Digoel, Papua (25/3). The social assistance provided was in the form of 2 transportation units of fiber boats and a 40 PK Yamaha engine. The provision of assistance is intended to facilitate all community activities in both villages.

This assistance is part of the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) programs of PT  BCA as a realization of the company’s concern for the public transportation needs.

The event began with a speech by Mr. Kim Tae Soo as the General Manager of PT BCA. “Today, we delivered 2 units of fiber boats and a 40 PK Yamaha engine. The purpose of this aid delivery is to make it easier for the community to run business activities,” said Mr. Kim. The company also hopes that this assistance can support the economic activities of the community in Aiwat and Subur Villages.

The event continued with the signing of handover agreement of the fiber boat units and a 40 PK Yamaha engine by Pius Kanduga as the Aiwat Village Head and Stanislaus W. Mahuze as the Subur Village Head. The handover process was also witnessed by the community, district leaders, police chief, and the management of PT BCA. In addition, the testing process of the fiber boat engine operation was also carried out to determine its feasibility. This activity was welcomed by the community and they were very enthusiastic while enjoying it.

The Head of Subur Village, Mr. Stanislaus W. Mahuze expressed his gratitude to PT BCA for realizing people’s hope for water transportation. “We are very grateful to PT BCA for the assistance of fiber boat transportation and Yamaha engine for Aiwat and Subur Villages,” said Stanislaus W. Mahuze in his speech.

The community representative from Subur district, Charles Maborok, also conveyed his gratitude. He believes the assistance will provide benefits to the community in Aiwat and Subur village districts.

The activities still adhered to health protocols in order to maintain safety against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. All participants who attended the event also wore masks and maintained their distance. The event was closed with a meal joined by all the attendees. (TSE Group PR)

The atmosphere at the event

Welcoming speech from Mr. Kim Tae Soo as the General Manager of PT Berkat Cipta Abadi

Handover of 2 units of fiber boats and a 40 PK Yamaha engine to the Head of Aiwat Village

The testing process of 2 units of fiber boats

Published On: April 4, 2022
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