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Pemberian Honor Guru
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Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap tenaga pendidik yang sudah mendedikasikan waktunya dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui pemberian honor. Bantuan ini ditujukan untuk para guru di Camp 19, Distrik Jair, Boven Digoel, Papua, yang merupakan area operasional PT TSE-A.

Setiap bulan, TSE-A memberikan honor kepada 27 guru yang terdiri dari lima guru TK, 10 guru SD dan 12 guru SMP. Seluruhnya merupakan bagian dari Corporate Social Contribution (CSC), sebagai wujud kepedulian perusahaan terhadap kesejahteraan guru yang berada di lingkungan kerja TSE-A.

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Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group pays special attention to educators who have dedicated their time in educating the nation through honorariums. This assistance is intended for teachers in Camp 19, Jair District, Boven Digoel, Papua, which is the operational area of PT TSE-A. Every month, TSE-A gives honorariums to 27 teachers consisting of five kindergarten teachers, 10 elementary school teachers and 12 junior high school teachers. All of them are part of the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC), as a form of the company’s concern for the welfare of teachers in the TSE-A work environment.

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