Masa Depan yang Harmonis & Lestari

Presiden Joko Widodo membacakan pidato saat Sidang tahunan MPR RI 2021 di Gedung Nusantra, Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (16/8/2021). Jokowi mengaku baju adat Baduy itu disiapkan khusus oleh Jaro Saija, tetua adat masyarakat Baduy sekaligus Kepala Desa Kanekes. ( Yuniar), Jakarta – Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan industri sawit telah memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil produksi sawit nasional telah dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai produk makanan sehat, energi baru terbarukan dan produk sehari-hari.

“Sawit telah memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia sebagi produk makanan sehat, energi baru terbarukan maupun menghasilkan berbabgai produk kebutuhan sehari-hari kita,” tutur Presiden Joko Widodo dalam video rekaman di acara Penandatangan Perjanjian Penelitian dan Pengembangan antara BPDPKS dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Jakarta, Kamis (19/8).

Kepala negara ini menyebut industri sawit telah menjadi penggerak ekonomi masyarakat. Mulai dari membantu peningakatan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan, membantu jutaan petani kebun skala kecil keluar dari kemiskinan, memberikan akses pendidikan dan layanan teknolgi informasi.

Presiden Jokowi mengatakan saat ini sudah saatnya masyarakat dunia mengetahui keseriusan Indonesia dalam mengubah industri sawit menjadi lebih baik. Caranya dengan menerapkan prakti-praktik terbaik dan elemen berkelanjutan di berbagai aspek sepanng rantai industri sawit.

“Saya akan terus memastikan industri ini memegang teguh komitmen mengelola sawit dengan berkelanjutan untuk mewujudkan hari esok lebih baik,” kata dia.

“Saya yakin dengan industri sawit yang bertanggungjawab dan pengelolaan berkelanjutan kita sambut masa depan yang lebih baik,” kata dia mengakhiri.


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By |2021-11-24T13:57:56+07:00Agustus 19, 2021|

President Joko Widodo reading out a speech during 2021 Annual Session of People’s Consultative Assembly of Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) at Nusantara Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (16/8/2021). Jokowi admitted that the Baduy traditional clothing was specifically prepared by Jaro Saija, the traditional elder of Baduy community and Head of Kanekes Village. ( Yuniar), Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the palm oil industry has provided benefits for the lives of Indonesian people. The results of the national palm oil production have been used for various healthy food products, new and renewable energy, and daily products.

“Palm oil has provided many benefits for the lives of Indonesian people as healthy food products, new and renewable energy, as well as various products for our daily needs,” President Joko Widodo said in the recording video of the signing event of the Research and Development Agreement between BPDPKS and the Research and Development Institute, Jakarta, Thursday (19/8).

The head of state conveyed that the palm oil industry had become a driving force for people’s economy. From helping improve the living quality of rural communities, helping millions of small-scale plantation farmers come out of poverty, and providing access to education and information technology.

President Jokowi said that now is the time for people in the world to recognize Indonesia’s seriousness in changing the palm oil industry for the better. This is done by implementing the best practices and sustainable elements in various aspects along the palm oil industry chain.

“I will continue to ensure that this industry upholds the commitment in sustainable palm oil management to create a better tomorrow,” he declared.

“I believe with a responsible palm oil industry and sustainable management, we will embrace a better future,” he concluded.


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By |2021-11-19T16:49:09+07:00Agustus 19, 2021|
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