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Pengurangan Emisi GRK (CO2) dari Berbagai Jenis Bahan Baku Biodiesel dibandingkan dengan Emisi Diesel (European Commission Joint Research Centre)

Jakarta, Berbagai penelitian baik di Indonesia maupun di Eropa, menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan Life Cycle Analysis penggantian bahan bakar diesel/solar dengan biodiesel sawit akan mengurangi emisi Green House Gas (Gas Rumah Kaca/GRK) dari mesin diesel sekitar 50-60 persen.

Bahkan menurut European Commission, apabila biodiesel sawit yang dihasilkan dari Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) dengan methane capture pengurangan emisi GRK dapat mencapai 62 persen.

Hasil penelitian Mathews and Ardyanto (2015), juga mendukung temuan Uni Eropa tersebut bahwa penggunaan biodiesel sawit sebagai pengganti diesel dapat menurunkan GRK di atas 60 persen.

Penghematan emisi GRK akibat penggunaan biodiesel berbahan baku sawit tersebut, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan penghematan emisi yang diperoleh dari biodiesel berbahan baku minyak rapeseed, minyak kedelai maupun minyak bunga matahari.

Dengan kata lain, penggunaan biodiesel minyak sawit sebagai pengganti diesel dapat menurunkan emisi GRK yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan jika digunakan biodiesel berbahan baku kacang kedelai, rapeseed maupun minyak bunga matahari.


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By |2021-11-19T16:56:19+07:00September 30, 2021|

Reduction of GHG (CO2) from Various Types of Raw Materials for Biodiesel Compared to Diesel Emissions (European Commission Joint Research Centre)

Jakarta, – Various studies using Life Cycle Analysis, both in Indonesia and Europe, showed that substituting diesel/solar fuel with palm oil-based biodiesel will reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from a diesel machine around 50-60 percent.

Even according to the European Commission, if the palm oil based-biodiesel is produced from palm oil mills using methane capture, the reduction of GHG emissions can reach 62 percent.

The result of a research done by Mathews and Ardyanto (2015) also supports the European Union’s finding that the use of palm oil-based biodiesel as a substitute for diesel can reduce GHGs above 60 percent.

The GHG emission savings due to the use of palm oil-based biodiesel are higher than the emission savings obtained from the use of biodiesel made from rapeseed oil, soybean oil, or sunflower oil.

In other words, the use of palm oil-based biodiesel as a substitute for diesel can reduce more GHG emissions compared to the use of biodiesel made from soybeans, rapeseed, or sunflower oil.


Source :

By |2021-11-19T14:59:05+07:00September 30, 2021|
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