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Dongin Prabhawa Ajak Siswa SD Jaga Kebersihan Sungai

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PT DP dan Siswa SD YPK Mam memungut sampah di area kali mawek

MERAUKE – PT Dongin Prabhawa, salah satu unit usaha Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, mengajak murid-murid SD YPK Mam, Merauke, untuk peduli dengan lingkungan. Ajakan ini disampaikan melalui kegiatan bersih-bersih area sekitar sekolah dan aliran sungai, tepatnya di Kali Mawek, pada Sabtu (4/12).

Humas Dongin Prabhawa James Ersonda menjelaskan, perusahaan sengaja melibatkan murid SD untuk menanamkan rasa peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitar sedari dini. “Sejak dini, siswa-siswi sekolah dasar harus diajarkan membuang sampah pada tempatnya, dan memungut sampah jika melihat di jalan,” tuturnya

Sebelum membersihkan area sekitar sekolah dan sungai, murid-murid SD YPK Mam membawakan tarian Yospan (Yosim Pancar), tarian daerah khas Papua, sebagai simbol kepedulian lingkungan dan pelestarian budaya lokal.

Sembari memungut sampah bersama-sama, manajemen Dongin Prabhawa juga memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Khususnya untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan ke aliran air sungai.

Murid-murid SD YPK Mam sangat antusias dengan adanya kegiatan bersih-bersih lingkungan ini. Kepala sekolah SD YPK Mam, Marselinus Parapaga menyampaikan apresiasinya yang mendalam terhadap perhatian Dongin Prabhawa atas edukasi di bidang lingkungan.

“Saya sangat menyambut baik kerja sama yang telah dilakukan Dongin Prabhawa. Ke depannya, program menjaga  kebersihan lingkungan serta merawat flora dan fauna ini akan kami jadikan sebagai program rutin,” ujarnya.

Sebagai bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat Papua, Dongin Prabhawa berkomitmen terlibat aktif dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Keseriusan ini ditunjukkan melalui sejumlah program kontribusi sosial atau Corporate Social Contribution (CSC), termasuk sosialisasi dan edukasi mengenai pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.

Unit usaha TSE Group lainnya juga rutin mengadakan kegiatan peduli lingkungan. Di antaranya yang terbaru, PT TSE memberikan edukasi lingkungan ke warga Kampung Naga, Boven Digoel. (PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: Desember 16, 2021
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  • Published On: Desember 28, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 20, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 16, 2023

PT DP and students from YPK Mam Elementary School picking up trash in the Mawek River area

MERAUKE – PT Dongin Prabhawa, one of the business units of Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, invited the students of SD YPK Mam, Merauke, to raise awareness about the environment. This invitation was conveyed through a clean-up activity in an area around the school and the river bed, precisely at the Mawek River, on Saturday (4/12).

James Ersonda from Public Relations Team of Dongin Prabhawa explained that the company intentionally involved the elementary school students in order to instill a sense of care towards the environment from an early age. “Since early age, elementary school students should be taught how to dispose waste properly, and to pick up trash if you see one on the street,” he said

Before cleaning the area around the school and the river, the students of SD YPK Mam performed Yospam dance (Yosim Pancar), a local dance from Papua, as a symbol of environmental awareness and preservation of the local culture.

While picking up the trash together, the management of Dongin Prabhawa also gave a brief explanation on the importance of maintaining the environment cleanliness. In particular, by not throwing garbage carelessly into the river flow.

The students of SD YPK Mam were very enthusiastic with the environmental clean-up activity. The school principal of SD YPK Mam, Marselinus Parapaga expressed his deep appreciation for Dongin Prabhawa’s attention for the education on environment.

“I very much welcome the collaboration held by Dongin Prabhawa. In the future, the environmental clean-up and flora and fauna maintenance programs will be regularly held,” he said.

As a part of the lives of Papuan people, Dongin Prabhawa is also actively involved in environment preservation. This commitment is shown through a number of Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) programs, including socialization and education about the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness.

Other business units of TSE Group also regularly hold environmental activities. One of the latest activities include environmental education by PT TSE provided to the residents of Naga Village, Boven Digoel. (PPA Humas S&C)

Published On: Desember 4, 2021
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  • Published On: Desember 28, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 20, 2023
  • Published On: Desember 16, 2023
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